I am deprested and i dont know what to do about it?? what should i do?!

Question: I am deprested and i dont know what to do about it!?!? what should i do!?
There is a difference between just feeling down which is part of everyone's life and clinical depression!. In clinical depression, you have feelings of hopelesness, loss of interest in doing anything, sleep problems, irritability, self hate or hate of others, lack of energy and difficulty getting out of bed, thoughts of suicide!. If you have clinical depression then you need to seek immediate help from a psychologist and may want to see a psychiatrist for medication!. You cannot get out of a major depression usually without appropriate medication!. If you are feeling down then you can exercise, go for a walk, listen to music, talk to your mother or a friend!. Work in the garden, mow the lanwn or any other physical activity!. If you are young with no medical problems, go for a jog or bicycle!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Get out of the house, make yourself smile even if you don't want to - it sends a signal to your brain!. Take vitamins, B vitiamins are good - also sunflower seeds contain B vitamins!. Sunshine will make you feel a little better, music, singing!. If it is really severe just tell your doctor!. In my experience they do not ask for a lot of details, the give you something to try to see if it helps!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I am assuming you meant depressed!.
If you have a chemical inbalance, see a shrink!. Saratonin reuptake inhibitors might help you out!.
If you had a severely, life-altering, traumatic experience, then get your mind off of it!.
If you neither of the following apply, you have to much time to think about yourself!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Get out and cheer yourself up!. If you were clinically depressed you'd be lying in bed right now with all the lights out, and wouldn't have the motivation to get out of bed nevermind try to cure it!. Your depression is self caused, you're choosing it!. Go fix it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

figure out why your depressed, and then talk to a close relative about how your feelings!. If that doesn't help, see a doctor!. Not only will she help you solve your problems, but she may also perscribe a perscription medication, such aa Cymbalta!. Don't wait for your depression to get worse, act now, you'll be doing yourself a favor!. Hope this helps :) P!.S!. Don't worry, be happy :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

Just about everyone has days when they feel down , that's part of life!. If you feel this way a lot or notice its getting worse you must see a Doctor and discuss it!.!.!.with all the medical help around, you don't have to feel this wayWww@Answer-Health@Com

hear some music that will sooth your mind!.talk to your friends and family more!.going to the beach might be a good idea as well!.this will relax both your mind and body!.hope this will help you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

you should find a nice doctor and speak to him/her about it

TYPHOID CARRIER: so everyone who is clinically depressed has to act exactly the same way you did!? idiotWww@Answer-Health@Com

listen to some music, go out with your friends, see a therapist if this is happening constantly, and eat chocolate, that also helps!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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