I can't sleep...seriously ticking me off help?!

Question: I can't sleep!.!.!.seriously ticking me off help!?
For around the past 2 weeks, I can never get to sleep when I want too (9-10 pm), and end up going to sleep around 3-4 am, I've tried showers/baths before bed, not eating at wrong times, no distractions, no sugar etc!. none of it's working!. any ideas!? please nothing I've already tried, also do you think I possibly have insomnia!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yeah you have insomnia!. It' annoying, I know and it could cause problems like heart disease, anxiety, depression,etc!.
You should talk to your doctor about it!. I have dealt with insomnia and I found it gets much worse when I am nervous or anxious about something!. I to to run in the morning to blow of steam and drink teas (anything with Valerian in it) to put me to me to sleep!. I haven't tried using sleeping pills because I hear that they can become habit forming!. I also hear that doing relaxation technique before going to bed helps!.They say also to write a "sleep" journal, like happen during the day, what did you do before bed and how was your night sleep to see if there is a common thread between sleepless nights!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Try drinking a warm glass of milk (wiht a little honey in it) before bed
try some warm tea - sleepytime, bedtime story, bedtime, chamomile, mint, lavender, or valerian
try doing yoga before bed
try working out in the morning or early afternoon
don't lay in bed if you can't sleep!.!.!.get up and do something lke read a book or walk around the house!.!.!.anything that will make you feel more tired!.
try melatonin - a natural sleep aid (supplement)!.

You can try going to a health food store and seeing what they have that might help you sleep!.

Or see your doctor and get put on a stronger med!.

Good LuckWww@Answer-Health@Com

Try drinking a glass of orange juice before bed, honestly, it knocks me out for some reason!. Also eat more fruits, vegetables and wholegrains and include protein in every meal!. Protein contains tryptophan which can help induce sleep!.

Also, don't go to bed if you're not tired, even if it means a day or two of less sleep as you adjust!. Wait and wait until you're feeling like you'll drift off!.

Sometimes being too virtuous about sleep can mess it up more!. eg!. going to bed too early to ensure you get loads of sleep can lead to being awake all night!.

Don't stay in bed if you dont sleep in 20 minutes!. Get up, do something, wait!. Try again!. Then if no sleep, get up, start again!. Wake up at the exact same time every day, no matter what sleep you've had and go through the day!. Then, go to bed when you're tired the next night!. Get up at the same time!. This last bit is scientifically accepted as the best way to treat insomnia!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

When you are ready for sleep!.!.!.take slow deep breaths, 4 to 5 only a minute!. With each !.!.!. breathe in slowly, calmy and fully!. Then exhale slowly, calmly and fully!. With each inhale your breath should fill your lungs and stomach fully!. With each exhale your lungs and stomach should empty!. Concentrate as you breathe on just the filling and emptying of your stomach of air!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Thats insomnia!. I've got it!. Dont waste time consultig doctors!. They'll just say go to bed early, take a shower, bla bla bla!. If it becomes irresistible just try sleeping pillsWww@Answer-Health@Com

sorry i don't know what insomnia is but try praying before bed, warm cups of milk and cookies,reduce your work load and have faith everything will be all right!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

yes is something on your mind bc that happens 2 me did you try tylonal pm or something and when you sleep at 4 only sleep until 7 and got to bed at 10 keep trying thatWww@Answer-Health@Com

yah it must be insomnia!. try throwing your schedule way out of wack and not thinking about it!. suffer deep repercussions from lack of sleep and then you'll sink in and know betterWww@Answer-Health@Com

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