Anger and Prozac?!

Question: Anger and Prozac!?
I have just started Prozac on Tuesday evening I am taking it at night and today four days later I am having major bouts of anger like surges if the smallest thing happens like i can't open a package or something then I get anger a throw it across the room or a minor disagreement or discussion turns into world war three this really scares me I havn't dealt with anger like this since I was a young teenager if you have any insight on this please let me know I have been on Zoloft with and had no issues but after four years it stopped working then they increasesd my doasage to no avail then they placed me on welbutrin and OMG I thought I was losing my mind with prozac though I am very impatient and quick tempered Please helpWww@Answer-Health@Com

Prozac side effects are :

- Rash, Pruritus (skin inflammation)
- Headache, Tremor, Dizziness, Asthenia
- Insomnia, Anxiety, Nervousness, Agitation, Abnormal dreams, Drowsiness and fatigue
- Excessive sweating
- Nausea, Disturbances of appetite, Diarrhea
* - Bronchitis, Rhinitis (inflammation of the nasal mucous membranes), Yawning
* Weight loss
* - Muscle pain, Back pain, Joint pain
* - Painful menstruation, Sexual dysfunction, Urinary tract infection, Frequent micturition
- Chills

Talk to your doctor , he/she will prescribe you a different anti-depression !.

~Take careWww@Answer-Health@Com

Well you know the Prozac is not working!. Go back to your doctor and tell him what is going on!. There are many others he could try!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Maybe drugs just arent the way to go anymore!. Have you ever tried controlling your anger on your own!? Its not gonna happen over night so youll have to give it a little time but you should try it!. I have anger problems still to this day but I deal with it on my own!. The doctors tried to put me on drugs but I never took them!. And I must say I've done pretty well for myself Im married with 3 children so I must not be that bad right!? Im not saying Im completly cured but Im 100 times better than I used to be and the beauty of it is I can say I did it myself!. Good Luck on your journey to finding your cure!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Special warnings about Prozac
In clinical studies, antidepressants increased the risk of suicidal thinking and behavior in children and adolescents with depression and other psychiatric disorders!. Anyone considering the use of Prozac or any other antidepressant in a child or adolescent must balance this risk with the clinical need!. Prozac is approved for treating major depression in children 8 years and older and for treating obsessive-compulsive disorder in children 7 years and older!.

Additionally, the progression of major depression is associated with a worsening of symptoms and/or the emergence of suicidal thinking or behavior in both adults and children, whether or not they are taking antidepressants!. Individuals being treated with Prozac and their caregivers should watch for any change in symptoms or any new symptoms that appear suddenly--especially agitation, anxiety, *****hostility*****, panic, restlessness, extreme hyperactivity, and suicidal thinking or behavior--and report them to the doctor immediately!. Be especially observant at the beginning of treatment or whenever there is a change in dose!. ========= =========== ============ ========= A multidimensional approach to treating depression without medication follows!. All except for no!. (7!.) are safe to use with medication, but not St!. John's wort, because of interactions, and it's sensible to check out anything else first with your doctor!.

(1!.) Take 4 Omega 3 fish oil supplements, daily: (certified free of mercury) it is best if consumed with an antioxidant, such as an orange, or grapefruit, or their FRESHLY SQUEEZED juice!. If vitamin E is added, it should be certified as being 100% from natural sources, or it may be synthetic: avoid it!.

(2!.) Work up slowly to at least 20 minutes minutes of exercise, daily, or 30 - 60 mns, 5 times weekly!. Too much exercise can cause stress, which isn't wanted when dealing with depression!.

(3!.) Occupational therapy (keeping busy allows little time for unproductive introspection, and keeps mental activity out of less desirable areas of the brain)!.

(4!.) Use daily, one of the relaxation methods in sections 2, 2!.c, 2!.i, or 11, and/or yoga, Tai Chi, and/or the EFT, in sections 2!.q, 2!.o, and section 53, at http://www!.ezy-build!.net/!. (!.net!.nz/~shaneris) [Type, and enter the following URL, in the usual manner: h t t p : / / w w w !. e z y - b u i l d !. n e t !. n z / ~ s h a n e r i s ] whichever works best for you!.

(5!.) Initially, at least, some form of counselling, preferably either Cognitive Behavio(u)ral Therapy, or Rational Emotive Behavio(u)ral Therapy!.

(6!.) Maintain a mood chart, and daily activities schedule, as per page Z!.12, in section 2, at ezy build!.

(7!.) As options, if desired, either a known, effective herbal remedy, such as St!. John's wort, 900 mg (standardised hypericin content) 3 times daily, or supplements, such as SAMe, taken with a vitamin B complex which is certified as being 100% of natural origin, or Inositol (from vitamin and health food stores, some supermarkets, or mail order: view section 55)!.

Also, 80% of people in the Western world have low magnesium levels, and these are known to cause depression & anxiety!. Try the magnesium supplement types shown in http://www!.real-depression-help!.com/ Some of these will be available in pharmacies, or supermarkets!.

An improvement can be noticed in as little as a week, if a deficiency is the cause!. Also, iodised salt is preferable to regular salt!. This is a shortened version of the much more comprehensive post, which may be seen on page Z!.12, in section 2 of ezy build, above, but to gain full appreciation, it's really best to view the whole of section 2!. ~~~ If you are already taking antidepressants, and want to use the wort, I suggest that you taper off the antidepressant, over at least 2 weeks, with medical advice as to how long to take, before beginning the wort!. Or keep being a human guinea pig, and try other antidepressants!. Anger management is addressed in section 4, at ezy build!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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