I think I have a form of Depression. Who do I see to be sure?!

Question: I think I have a form of Depression!. Who do I see to be sure!?
Who do I see to be diagnosed with depression!? A general practitioner, Psychiatrist, Psychologist, or some other type of therapist!?

I have been noticing that I get these feelings of dread, fear and wanting to just run from my problems!. I've noticed that I can tell when the feelings are coming back again, maybe every two months etc!. They build and get worse for about whole month!. I don't think of suicide or anything that serious!. I just tend to alienate myself by not wanting to be social with friends and business associates!. I just sort of run away in a way for a month, then I regroup and have to give some excuse what happened and where I've been!.

So who do I see first!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

You need to make an appt!. with your family doctor first, they can also prescribe meds for you, or they may refer you to a psychiatrist!. I am so proud of you, 1!. for admitting you have a problem and 2!. For reaching out to others for help with your problem!. This is your first major step toward making you better!. If you do get put on meds, it will take up to 2-3 weeks before you feel so much better, and I guarantee you will!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

a psychologist!.

i took a test and i was diagnosed with somatization and ADD!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

any psychologist or even decent therapist can diagnose you but from my personal experience you do sound depressedWww@Answer-Health@Com

See Your Doctor PleaseWww@Answer-Health@Com

You are suffering from Social Anxiety Disorder

Social anxiety disorder is one of the most common anxiety disorders, affecting between 7 and 13% of the population!. People with social anxiety disorder tend to feel quite nervous or uncomfortable in social situations!. They are very concerned that they will do something embarrassing or humiliating, or that others will think badly of them!. These individuals are very self-conscious and constantly feel "on stage!.
Although social anxiety disorder can start at any age, most people with social anxiety disorder first experienced problems in childhood or adolescence!.
Social anxiety disorder can develop suddenly after a stressful or humiliating experience or slowly over time!.
Social anxiety tends to run in families!.
Men and women are equally likely to develop social anxiety disorder!.
Social anxiety disorder is associated with a number of other problems including low self-esteem, poor body image, depression, and substance abuse problems!.
These are situations where people are interacting with others and developing closer relationships!. Examples include:
Meeting new people
Talking to co-workers or friends
Inviting others to do things
Going to social events (e!.g!. parties or dinners)
Being assertive
Expressing opinions
Talking on the phone
Working in a group (e!.g!. working on a project with other co-workers)
Ordering food at a restaurant
Returning something at a store
Having a job interview
Public speaking (e!.g!., presenting at a meeting
Participating in meetings or classes(e!.g!. asking or answering questions)
Eating in front of others
Using public washrooms
Writing in front of others (e!.g!. signing a cheque of filling out a form)
Performing in public (e!.g!. singing or acting on stage, or playing a sport)
Entering a room where everyone is already seatedWww@Answer-Health@Com

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