Sister in need of help ? Social Anxiety and depression ?!

Question: Sister in need of help !? Social Anxiety and depression !?
my sister has exams this week and she can't study because she has Social Anxiety and depression , she can't sleep, she can't eat , can't study, can't concentrate , she's already skipping classes , I don't want her to fail !? she thinks she's a failure , she's just sleeping all the time ,

No time for an appointment to a doctor nor a Psychiatrist , nor a psychologist , the exams start Monday ! she's losing time ! and she doesn't study ! What now !?Www@Answer-Health@Com

1) What age are you two to worry about your sister as if you were her tutor!?
2) If she has been diagnosed, perhaps is best for her to skip school until rehab!. Pressure will not help, less a crowded school!.
3) Sleeping all the time seems more depression, but you said she cant sleep!.!.!.so its vague!.
4) What it means to you if she fails!? Are you a failure too!? Time for help is more important than school, believe me!.
First things first, health is above everything!.
Second, social anxiety means cannot cope with social pressure, dont push her more until she gets good treatment!.
Take her to adecuate specialist!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well if there is no time for any specialist in the mean time, you should make sure she has study breaks and relaxes with activities that normally make her happy!. If that diagnosis has been confirmed by a professional in the field, you could talk to her about her social anxiety - as it could be most likely be the drive behind the depression!. Try discovering particularly what she's anxious about when she's in a social enviroment and why!. Being analytical about it and reasoning that whatever the problem is - what people think doesn't make it true!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I assume these are college exams!. If so, please have her go to a counselor immediately and see if she can reschedule the exams!. If there is no counselor available take her to the emergency room!. Get the visit documented and take it to the college counselor on Monday and see if she can reschedule the exams after she sees a Psychiatrist!. I hope this helps!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Study with her!. force her to do it, but not in a mean way!. With the both of you studying together, she would probably remember more than if she did it alone anyway !! and make it fun for her !!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Just give her a very cold shower, and then get her to study and be with her to help her ,just be patient ,Www@Answer-Health@Com

she needs a break!. she needs to relax!. its a result of too much training I guess!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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