I have very low self-esteem?!

Question: I have very low self-esteem!?
I have very low self esteem and have no belief in myself at all!. The other day I ended up having a one night stand with a salesman who had been working in the area!. I know it would amount to nothing although he expected us to have 3 weeks of fun while he was up here!.

He came over the next day because he had left his cds at my house and was not happy because i was frosty, i had come to realise, he had got what he wantedand that after these few weeks i would not here from him again, and also realised that he had no respect for me (we had not used protection and i have been to get the morning after pill), which is a big step for me as I'd been blaming myself all that morning, we ended up having an arguement and he left!.

How can i stop myself from getting into situations like this!? Is there anything i can do to boost myself confidence, so people dont realise, that im a week person and easily fall for charm and compliments!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Change your attitude and direction in life!.
Not meaning your job or home!. Just the way you live!.
Find a new circle of people to be around!. Like a singles or young adult group at church!. or after work socials!.
write you emotionas that you feel about this in a journal!. Along with things you would have wanted to do differently instead of what was done!.
So that you can know the mistakes you made and what things to look out for in yourself!.
Fill yourself up with positive thoughts before you leave!. Telling yourself that you are sepcial and hold value, That though you live in this world , the world doesnt own you!. You have a free spirit and will enjoy having friends, but that is as far as it goes!. Look of the good in people not the good looking people!. As flattery is only a web of words to trap you within their grasp!.
You know WHO you are, So dont allow them to play on WHAT you are!. As real love always has a way and the right time of finding you!. You can't outdo what God has for you out there!. So in His time your true love will find you!. Till then no other man can or will ever do for you!.
You're a stronger person than you tend to believe or feel you are!. Just reach down inside yourself!. Look for things you've hidden away from all of us, as well as from yourself!. If you don't know how the ask God to show you the dark parts of you that your beauty is hidden within!.

write down on a paper, Those beautiful qualities in yourself , that make you smile and that brighten your day!. Reflect on what others say about you if you cant see any for yourself!.
Then tape those to your mirror where you have to see them every day!. Then place another copy of it on your fridge!.
, then write on another paper thos things that you mentioned here, The things you hate about yourself and that make you feel weak or down insde!. Then place that in a book or drawer!. You'll be referring back to that at the end of each month!. In the mean time!. keep a jar or old coffee tin , whatever you have that you can spare!. Then for every good thought about yourself ,that you saw in yourself today or compliments from others you were give!. Like from a friend saying you looked fresh, and happy today!. You those on a slip of paper and place them inside that jar or can!. At the end of each week!. Check and see which were most noticed and felt, or commented on!. Ex!. Like someone said your hair looked really good today!. or you seemed really upbeat and lively!. Maybe how you made someone else smile, even if you werent trying to !. or made them laugh!. for each time you notice even the simplest or new thing about you!. Your container will fill up!. in another container at the end of each week!. write on a paper something negative that you didnt dwell on!. Like that you didnt like your outfit!. Maybe it was because you were focussed on something else that day!. So you werent worried about what you had on until you were done!. This thing is very insigificant as to why you did something or where you went!.
Dont dress for people and how they think you should!. Define your own styles as to how you feel good in ways that are most comfortable but presentable on you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i am sorry to hear that you feel this way !.
there is nothing wrong with having a one night stand of coarse!.
but if its out of desperation its not a good idea!.
im not being funny here ,but take up some sort of spolrting activity ,running club ,or go down the gym or for a swim!.some sort of exercise will boost your confidernce!.and you will meet some right minded people!.
we all have low self esteem at times ,but be strong!.there are lots of people out there worth having a relationship with!.
all the best

It's all in how you act!. You may not be able to help falling for compliments, but ACT like they are lame!. Stand up straight, look people directly in the eye and stand up for your rights, even when you feel ridiculous doing so!. People tend to treat you in the way they perceive you expect to be treated!Www@Answer-Health@Com

write a list (get a friend or a relative to help if you struggle) of all the good things about yourself, and fold it up!. wherever you feel down, get the list out and remind yourself of all your good qualities and forget any negative thoughts you have and just concentrate on all the good things!.

hope this helpsWww@Answer-Health@Com

you have to believe that you are better than this!. you are a smart inteligent bright woman!. i know i dont know you but im always going to be hear for you and will do my best so maybe you can even help me gain some confidnece!. i know there is something inside of you that is great!. mail me back if youwant to talkWww@Answer-Health@Com

You're not a hoe, slut, or sex slave!. Get up; Find some friends, get your hair and nails done!. Set goals for yourself and go for them!. Buy a new outfit and have some fun! It's Friday; What are you waiting for!? Go!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Let's look a little beneath the surface of your problem!.

It sounds like you are drawn to these sorts of situations for a much more deep-seated reason!. Perhaps you're a commitment phobe!. With most commitment phobes, a part of us will take comfort in "casual" situations simply because they are not permanent (for whatever reasons)!. And in turn, some commitment phobes are disappointed because they feel as if they DO want something more out of these casual encounters, but for some reason they can't identify or attain what it is that they actually want!.!.!.which leads to the question: WHAT'S REALLY WRONG WITH ME!?

The only answer to this question is to ask YOURSELF more productive questions: Are you a "relationship" girl or aren't you!? Are you satisfied with your answer to this question!? Why!.!.!.Why not!? Are there any outside influences (with regards to your past or present) that determine how you feel about relationships!?

You have a better chance at building your self-esteem with each step you take to resolve whatever issues may be surrounding your problem!. Speak to a professional who can help you put your feelings and outlooks into perspective!. The more you learn about yourself, the more confident you will feel!. And try not to belittle or self-deprecate yourself!. Sometimes what we do is not exactly WHO WE ARE!. It is ultimately an action, not a self-defining characteristic, unless you decide to make it so!.

As always, stay positive and insist on loving yourself for who you are!.!.!.even if you feel that you need to make changes to improve!.!.!.as we all do at some point in our lives!. I insist that positive energy attracts only more of the same!. If you want to establish romantic relationships with more substance, one day you will find someone with the same exact goal!

Good Luck to U!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I am quite confident but it's easy cause my mother always told me I was super fabulous (even though I'm not really) and I think the important thing with being confident is to realise your self worth!. Remind yourself every day about all your strengths until it becomes habit to think you are great!. When people say negative things about you, know that negativity towards others generally comes from that persons own lack of self esteem!. Most importantly remember you can say no!. It's your God given right!. Good luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

these psychological issues are usually the result of what has happened in childhood or during your upbringing and is too complex to discuss on this sort of forum

if you are concerned on your disposition to others and feel you fall too esily for others and feel that your self esteem is rock bottom see a doctor who will refer to a counsellor or psychologist, this doesn't mean you are weird or in need of going to a mental hospital it is very common for someone to feel vulnearble or depressed at times and they need help from people who know what how to find the triggers and offer support and resolutions to the situation

give it a try and you will seek the assistance you need

all the best you are not alone in feeling the way you do and the help is there you just need to askWww@Answer-Health@Com

Recognize your insecurities!. What does that voice in the back of your mind say!? What makes you ashamed of yourself!? This could be anything from acne, to regrets, to emotional abuse (past or present) from a loved one or friends at school!. Whatever is making you feel unworthy, ashamed, or inferior, identify it, give it a name, and write it down!.

Talk about it with friends and loved ones!. Wear it on your sleeve!. Each day chip away at it; wear it down!. There's no quick fix!. Get to the root of the problem; focus on it and understand that you need to resolve each issue before you can move on!.

Remember that no one is perfect!. Even the most confident people have insecurities!. At some point in any of our lives, we may feel we lack something!. That is reality!. Learn that life is full of bumps down the road!.

Identify your successes Everyone is good at something, so discover the things at which you excel, then focus on your talents!. Give yourself permission to take pride in them!. Give yourself credit for your successes!. Inferiority is a state of mind in which you've declared yourself a victim!. Do not allow yourself to be victimized!.

Be thankful for what you have!. A lot of the times, at the root of insecurity and lack of confidence is a feeling of not having enough of something, whether it's emotional validation, good luck, money, etc!. By acknowledging and appreciating what you do have, you can combat the feeling of being incomplete and unsatisfied!. Finding that inner peace will do wonders for your confidence!.

Be Positive, even if you don't feel positive!. Avoid self-pity, or the pity and sympathy of others!. Never allow others to make you feel inferior--they can only do so if you let them!. If you continue to loathe and belittle yourself, others are going to do and believe likewise!. Instead, speak positively about yourself, about your future, and about your progress!. Do not be afraid to project your strengths and qualities to others!. By doing so, you reinforce those ideas in your mind and encourage your growth in a positive direction!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

well one way to show your bold and dont have low self esteam is to be strict with people and say what comes in to your head first of all!. also look in to mirrors alot so ppl think that you think ur hot!.lol it works!! lol
also just act like your better than everyone els!. and guys that r pervy or scummy!. give them dirty looks when you work past!. then yoU just of a sudden become higher and have confidence in your self!.! all these things i already do!.!.lol just comes natural to me!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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