I have social anxiety? (details inside)?!

Question: I have social anxiety!? (details inside)!?
I dont know where to begin!. Im 16 years old!. I failed 6th grade and dropped out in 7th and 8th because people would tease me and make fun of me about my weight!. I dropped out this year too in 9th grade a month after school started!.

I have had no friend since 6th grade because they moved on!. I have recently lost 30 pounds!. And look and feel better but still am chubby a little bit!. I still get anxiious out in public!. I went to the mall the other day with my bro and dad and in the car all the way there I was nauseated and so nervous!. My parents dont know about it and they think im retarded or depressed because I never leave my house!. I maybe get out twice a month even if t hat!.

After the mall, I came home depressed and crying!. This has happened after I came home from school and cried over nothing!. Even when noone even looked at me or payed any attention!. I just cant stand busy loud enviroments!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Realising you have a problem is the first significant step to helping yourself!. It's not surprising you feel this way - unfortunately kids can be cruel and stupid and if you're on the sensitive side, it can really distress you!. You sound like a nice person to me!. I think you should try going to a therapist as they are trained at helping people with these problems!. I'm sure your parents don't think you're "retarded" - have you ever tried talking to them!? Talking to someone you trust always helps!.

Social anxiety comes from putting immense pressure on yourself and worrying too much about what others think (which is easy to do)!. When you feel yourself getting nervous, remind yourself that noone's looking at you - of course they'll see you when you go out, but noone's going to be gawking or judging!. It's more likely that someone looking at you for a longer time than normal is thinking to themselves "he's a nice-looking guy" rather than something unpleasant!. Please consider therapy!. This problem is common and there is help out there for you!.
Best of luck xoWww@Answer-Health@Com

You need help!. See a doctor!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

If its just in busy places it could be that you are clastrophobic!.!.and that you think people are constantly looking at you and judging at you could be caused by a low self-esteem or paranoia !.!.!.!.!. you should go to your doctor!.!.!.!.Goodluck xWww@Answer-Health@Com

The way you feel is not uncommon!. At the age of 16!.!. kids are rude and immature!. If you really want to help yourself!.!. your going to have to make small steps at a time!. Great job on losing 30 pounds! I think joining a gym would be great for you, working out helps your self-esteem and you'll run into a few people that might eventually become friends! Good luck! Check out this website!.!. it might help!. www!.socialphobiaworld!.comWww@Answer-Health@Com

You need to talk to a mental health professional!. If you look in your phone book you should be able to find something along the lines of "first call for help" (that's what they call it in my area)!. This would take you to a mental health hotline where you can get some pointers on where to go for help, even help in explaining your problems to your parents!. Don't settle for living with these feelings, you can be helped!. Counseling, maybe some medication for depression and/or OCD and some behavioral therapy will help you lead a full and relaxed life!. If you don't, you're likely to slide further and further into these negative thought patterns!. Social Anxiety is awful, but it can get better if you're willing to work at it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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