I need to have my father committed for psych eval and suicide watch...how do I d!

Question: I need to have my father committed for psych eval and suicide watch!.!.!.how do I do this!?
My entire life since I was 13-14 I remember my dad always seeming crazy!. Now that I am a psych major I realize that he is a narcasist, manic depressive, and has sociopathic tendancies!. A year and a half ago he lit a shirt he was wearing on fire in the middle of the night my mom woke within seconds and he went and put it out!. Monday he called that intervention hotline they felt he was an immenent danger to himself and called the police!. My mom was scared what he might do if she said hes he might do it, so she told the police that she didnt believe anything would happen!. Events like this have gone on throughout my 20 years of life!. I have a 10 month old and I told my dad that although he can see her while supervised until he gets help he is not allowed to be alone with her!. He is an alcoholic and smokes pot!. He does live with my mom and borther but in a seperate part of the house!. Is there anything I can do!? He is an amazing liar and can talk his way out of ANYTHING!. Do I call the cops!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

I don't know the law in NJ, however, you can try calling a mental health facility in your area, ask them what the options are for having someone involuntarily commit ed!. They should be able to help you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You can talk to your mom and help her see that she is enabling him instead of helping him!. It's also hurting her and her son!. If she doesn't really get that, I'm not sure there's much you can do!. Just the same, two options come to mind:

1!. Get him to check himself in!. Perhaps have a serious, pressured family intervention when he's balanced, or try when he's in bad shape but reasonably rational!.

2!. Call the cops again but the ppl at the house have got to be willing to say with conviction that he is a threat to himself or others!. He would be held for 72 hours and from there it would depend on the doctors' assessment as to whether he still is a threat or not!. If they believe his is, the court continues the commitment!. Since the hospital has to go to court, the doctors have to really be convinced the threat is real!. This route is only effective if he is held long enough to get sober, on meds, and stabilized long enough to appreciate the difference!. Or, smaller probability, if it serves as a wake up call that he heeds!. If it's a short stay, he could just end up very angry, so this isn't the best alternative unless he really does meet the criteria intended for mandatory commitment, IMO!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

this is a tough issue!. Your dad is a grown up and he does not want to admit himself for psych evaluation!. My friend worked at a mental health clinic and she said if a grown up does not want to admit themselves voluntarily there is no way you can do it for him!. If he has problem that can put himself or others in a danger situation the law enforcement can admit him involuntarily!. I would go and explain to my mother and if something like that happen again call the police!. This is to help him!. My answer may not help you but I am just trying to respond to you since you may need some responds back!. Good luck!.
As a daughter, I understand you are trying to help your father and living in a condition like this for nearly 20 years is horrific!. Try staying by his side and be patience with him!. He needs you and your mom more than ever now!. But he also need the professional help!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Its your mother that needs to be convinced of your fathers mental problems and it sounds like she is in denial!. Even if the mental health people are called and the cops come, if your mother keeps defending him ands says he is just fine, then there is nothing you can do!. If you do call the cops and tell them he is a danger to himself or others, this is called a 5150!. If you tell them in advance that he lies to cover up his problem and that your mother is also in denial, perhaps they will listen to you!. Tell them about the shirt incidence as that is proof of being a danger to himself!. If the cops do take him away, they will take him to an evaluation places and then into a mental hospital, but they can only hold him for like 72 hours, that is it!. Once there perhaps he could be convinced that he has a problem!. I wish you all the luck!. For other support, go to NAMI!. That is the national alliance for mental illness and is great web site for support and help and other questions!. It is for both family members and the mentally ill!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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