Wats the best way to chear up im all ways depressed?!

Question: Wats the best way to chear up im all ways depressed!?
ive just completly lost it im allways depperssed cuss loads of bad stuff has happend but that was a long time ago my perants have split up and it has completly tor my life abart and my brover has died but this all happend around easter and now i just want to kill my self so eny good iders how to relax sorry about the spellingWww@Answer-Health@Com

I suffered a horrible accident that changed my life and the depression and ptsd set in and with all the pain I too wanted to commit suicide!. But I began to realize how selfish a thought that was!. God had saved me and now I wanted to take my life!? I'm glad I woke up!.Let me tell you somwething, just because you are only 14 does not mean you don't have problems that seem devastating to you!. Sometimes we as aldults see things from our level and not from the level of young ones!.All of or some of us knows how difficult it was when our parents divorced when we were young!.But just like what one of the answers said, it was not your fault!. This is a difficult time but believe me it will past!.I thought I would never get through what I went thru!. Although it took time,I did heal!.so will you!. Right now your mom is probably depressed also as she is going thru a hard time so maybe right now she can't understand what your problem is!.I know it can be hard to think happy thoughts when all around you things seem so bleak!. But the Bible says, Jesus says to" cast all of your cares upon me!." What does that mean you may ask!? It means when you talk to him,just like you asked us, he will answer!.How you may ask!? A thought will come to your mind that will either make you feel better or give you an idea that will help myou!.You don't have to know any big scriptures or anything like that to pray!.Just talk,cry,yell!.He understands what you are going thru!.Believe me,I am a christian and I contemplated suicide!.See, even christians can have big problems!. No one is immune but I had loving people pray for me when I couldn't pray for myself and it helped me thru!. I will pray for you!.Just keep looking to what you have and what you want to be!.Remember the good things people have said about you!. Try this, get a piece of paper and right down all the things that are awesome about you!.Don't be shy!.Be honest!. Then right what is not cool!.Which list is biggher!?What are some things you can do to make anything better!?what are the things you can't do to make things better!.Do what you can do and the things you can't, don't trip because it will do you no good and you will get further depressed!. But try Jesus!. I did and now I'm around to talk to you!. luv'ya
cynthia jWww@Answer-Health@Com

Anti-depressants don't work!. They just cover up the real problem!. Depression is "anger turned in"!. You need to express this anger!. Any time bad things happen it is completely normal to be angry!. Don't keep it in!. Let it out!. Some people find that physical exercise such as working out helps as a release!. I have found that writing lyrics is good therapy!. Some of my best lyrics has come when I was the most stressed out or pissed off!. Everybody gets depressed!. It will pass but you will have to work at it!. Life is a long road, filled with bumps!. You definitely will find happiness, but it does take time!. I went through major depression and had suicidal thoughts!. Over time it gets better but you will have to make some changes!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Just stay active in sports/activities to get your ming off things & talk to someone-like a guidance counselor, best friend, relatives, etc!.
i hope things brighten up for you hun!. I'm really sorry about your brother, I'm sure he'd want you to be happy!.

all the best,

start thinking about you!. and stuff you like, and love!. Do things that make you happy!. dont dwell on the past, u wont get anywhere doing that!. concentrate on now!. and enjoy life! bc u never know when ur last day will be!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Can you go to a counselor or something!? You need to talk to someone - and I know that isn't always easy to do!.

Sweetie, you can't change the things that have happened!. What you CAN do is make a choice to move forward in your life!. Your parents splitting up had nothing to do with you, and though it may be hard to go through, it will get better with time!.

I know the loss of your brother has to be very hard to deal with as well!. He would want you to be happy though!. *hug* I'm sorry that happened!.

As for things you can do:

Writing down how you feel, be it through blogs, poetry, journaling, songs, or whatever - helps me a lot:)!.

Talking about how you feel!.

Turn on some relaxing music and take a bath!.

Take up a hobby (art, music, volunteering, a sport)

If you don't know many young people going through the things you are , maybe you can develop a support group and give an open invite other people your age to come share what they are going through!. (Get the help of a trusted adult to do this)

If you are religious at all, perhaps you need to turn to your faith (whatever that might be) to help you through this!.

And by all means - if you are in danger of hurting yourself, let somebody know and/or go get help!. I suggest seeing if you can start meeting with a counselor!.

I hope things get better for you soon hun!.

Peace and Blessings!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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