My mom has schincphinia does anyone else mom have that?!

Question: My mom has schincphinia does anyone else mom have that!?
Well my mom took bath tub acid and she tipped out!. it was years ago but she still has it!. does any one know how to cure it!. because my moms crazy and I want to help her!. shes lazy fat and she needs helpWww@Answer-Health@Com

Oh my god, this is so sad!.!.!. first off, (I hope you IM me later because I have a lot I would like to talk with you about!.)
My best friend sense we were little kids has a mom who suffers the same illness!. My friend Becky loves her mother dearly!.
I am AMAZED by her she has had to teach herself more then most about how to care for own children simply because her exp was so different!! Her life was completely different from anyone else I have ever known growing up!. She is married with three sons and even now she is almost a mother to her own mother!. I do believe there will be a cure for it one day!.
Her mom has suffered delusions/ talks to people who are not there all that!. I'll tel you something else also!. I am really upset over the name of the illness, I think it gives people the wrong idea about what it is! Seriously they should change it to " extstream anxiety disorder"!. You said your mom is fat and lazy!. My friends mom is skinny because she takes off on a walk and dose not come back for three days at a time sometimes!. My friend Bec remembers when her mom hung nootles all over there kitchen!. It dose run in the family and Bec worries her children could have to suffer with it someday!. I think of the illness like this!. People with scitz/ feel much higher amounts of anxiety then most people!. An there delusions etc are I think there minds way of shaking off the stress, When you take it for what it is, it starts not to feel so badly!. Your mom wanting to be normal and knowing people can't trust her, don't count on her because they can't, refer to
her illness as the def of CRAZY is enough to make her sit around and get fat, and I don't think she is lazy at all, she is
lost and depressed with I'm sure quite the many thoughts of
all she has caused people and what she is unable to do for herself!. People with your moms illness comunacate differently!. It appears exstream to the rest of us until you brake it down and see t for what it really is!.
She has a reason to be here in this world, or she would never have been born at all!. I think it would help her to remember that and and your being her daughter you likely know more of what her place is in this world then anyone else!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Bless your heart, it must be so hard for you!. I think you are a great person to be that considerate of your mom!. You can not cure it, but but can make sure she sees a doctor to get the help that she needs!. Make sure she takes her medicine and sees a doctor regular!. She probably will not want to go, but make sure you have family that can take her!. Good luck and I wish you the best!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Just get her on meds, take her to therapy, and love her!.

Thats all you can do!.

Schizophrenia is unfortunately incurable, but very treatable!.

Has she been diagnosed!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

The first step you can take in helping her would be to stop judging her!.!.!. "lazy,", "fat," etc!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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