I am 12 years old and i think i am telekinetic?.....?!

Question: I am 12 years old and i think i am telekinetic!?!.!.!.!.!.!?
Hi, i really do think i am telekinetic!.!. Because 3 times i tried to test myself to move objects with my mind and all 3 attempts worked!. So, I will tell you the stories and experiences of my telekinetic powers!.!.

STORY 2- When i was at school not long ago, in the hallway, i tried to test myself on the american flag on the wall (it was a small flag) and i felt the boiling in my eyes, i stared at it real hard and just then, the flag moved 5 inches in the air from the bottom left!. There was no air vents around, and there was no wind!.
STORY 3- this girl was on her scooter one day and she was going down the side walk and she yelled "hey ugly weirdo!" then, i stared at her real big and she fell off her bike!.!.!.What do you think!? Am i telekinetic!? Am i like carrie or matilda!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

to me, it's scientifically impossible!.

1: someone could have walked by!. If you were in the hallway, there were probably a mob of kids trying to get to class!.

2: Falling off a bike is easy; especially if you're moving!. The girl called you a mean name, and got distracted, then fell off!. Bikes don't require all that much concentration, but complete lack of it can cause an accident!.

And, you said she was on her scooter, then she fell off her bike!. What the heck!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

It is scientifically possible, but very unlikely!.

I used to be able to close doors by looking at them, but then I gradually lost the ability to concentrate, now I can't do it anymore!.

Good on you for knowing who Carrie is, too may kids nowadays don't know good movies!.!.!.!. lol!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

For my suggestion!.!. may b gd for u to chop down the experiences that happen to u!.!. there n then u wil hv more evidence to support ur says then!. Gd discover of urself capability!.,!. may b i are telekinetic or may b not!.!. may b u need to hv more discovery of ur special ability yeah!.!.
Keep it up!.!. Whose know some day u can be a SUPER start cos of ur special ability!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I am sorry but I just don't relay be leave this relay happened!. Some time if some one relay wants to do something your mind can play tricks on you!. Please stop! This is not in Gods plan for you or any one ales!. He would never will any one to harm any one!. Please put your active mind to better use!.

You're funny kid!. Maybe you are, but don't dismiss the possibility that you are not!. I say practice your gift, if you do indeed have it!. Who knows, maybe this is evolution in action!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

when i was a baby, my mom said I screamed and all the cupboard doors in the kitchen flew open!. Even the ones up high that I could not reach!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

where is story 1 !?!? lol well i think the flag just happened to move and the chick just happened to fall!.!.!?!? if u had more things happen it would be more convincing!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You need more experiments than that to convince me!. Try to move something right now!. If you can't do it, I'm not convinced you are telekinetic!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You should probably test it a couple more times before you jump to the conclusion!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

lol probs coincedence!.
Try it on a cup on the table or something to see if it works then yoyu'll know for sure!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

That's extremely weird!. I would try doing something sitting right in front of you to test it out!.Www@Answer-Health@Com


I think you are lie'n first you say scooter then its a bike HMMMMM there is a big differnce between the twoWww@Answer-Health@Com

Ya I would test this a few more times
but that is pretty awesome either way

No!. Get a lifeWww@Answer-Health@Com

possible!.!.!.!.!.!.!.its not impossible!.!.!.!.!.you got a strong positive thinking!.!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

you're a mutant, i suggest you call Professor X-savier and go join the X-MenWww@Answer-Health@Com

I turn green when i get mad!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I think you watch to many movies!. Keep the imagination up though!
But if you DO have powers, here are a few tips:
1!. Don't tell anybody until your ability is COMPLETELY developed!.

2!. Practice, practice, practice!

3!. You gotta make sure you choose the right path for yourself: Are you going to use your powers for selfish reasons!? Like the way you pushed that girl over (evil, by the way, on your path to the dark side!? I hope not)!? Or are you gonna use your powers for good (like helping our country's flag wave strong and proud, which when your powers are developed will later turn into stuff like, supporting your country in war, protecting cities and such from attacks)!?

4!. If you are going to use it for the good of mankind and not for selfish, evil reasons, then you need to choose a cool costume and name for yourself!. A blue and white jumpsuit would look nice!. Or even jeans and a tee-shirt with some sunglasses would rock! You could call yourself, the Phoenix or Wildfire or The Protecktor (and spell it that way too!)!.

5!. Finish school!. NO superhero can go with having completed high school and AT LEAST four years of college!. Get good grades, get a degree or two!. Can't save people if you can't even do CPR, can't stop bombs if you don't know what wirer to pull or what chemical to extract!. Can't hurl a giant robot into outer space without know the position of planets and stuff!. What if you miss and destroy the moon!? Bottom line: FINISH SCHOOL!.

6!. Save the world!. Protect cities!. Clean up trash and pollution!. Raise money for the poor and thing like that!.

I hope I didn't leave out anything!.
Good luck kid!.
Keep using that noggin!.

And I read your info and I think you should go to:

!.!.!.!. LOL, then see if can fix my computer!.!.!. think real hard about it and do it because it is working so slow tonight!.!.!.!. Unless you doing it and if so stop it!

I'm sorry son, not to burst your bubble but X-files is not real, You have no Mutant powers, and your not Carrie!.!.!. oooooh so creepy!.

In line you will learn that $#!% happens!.!.!. But on the off chance i'm wrong!.!.!. forgive me and please make the bank deposite $1,000,000!.00 into my account!.


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