Im only 19 and am afriad of dying? please help?!

Question: Im only 19 and am afriad of dying!? please help!?
Ever since I was a little girl I was afriad of dying!. It probably started when I was like 6 years old!.!.!.!.every year after that there would come a time when I would just totally freak out about death!. I would always think that something was wrong with me, but when I would go to the doctor they would do tests and everything would come out normal!.
I was hoping I would grow out of it!.!.!.!.!.!.but I still havent!.
Like right now im really stressed out about school and my heart rate goes up to about 98!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.and when I think about my heart rate going up!.!.!.!.it starts to worry me even though I know its normal for heart rate to go up when stressed!. I had my heart checked like in july and everything seemed normal!.!.!.!.!.!.I just dont know why im always worried im gonna die!. I really want to start enjoying life and stop thinking of death!. Please give me some advice!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I developed the same thing (though later - in my 20's)!. After lots of hospital checks over many years, I found help/advice from many doctors helped - eg: 1!. If you drink a lot of fizzy drinks/caffeinated drinks, stop! You may, like me, be allergic to caffeine, which can cause dreadful and distressing symptoms, both physical and mental!. Make sure your diet is healthy with lots of fruit/veg!.
2!. Try a simple version of meditation (find techniques on-line) & do it every day!.
3!. Ask your family questions to find out WHY this started (you say at about 6 years old)!. What happened then to make you frightened you might die!? Did you lose a grand-parent or other close family member!? Were you made to view the body!? If you can find a reason, then at least you will know why you have this fear!.
4!. Fill your life with other, simpler things to worry about!.
5!. Every day, write a list of at least 5 things you have to be thankful about (No 1 every day would be "I am alive")!.
By the way - if your heart rate goes up to only 98 when you are stressed, then you are pretty healthy! 120 is what is considered reasonable to keep fit!. 150 or over would be worrying!.!.!.!.
If you want further details or would like to talk to me further, feel free to email me!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I've had the same thing happen to me (the heart thing), only in my case it happened when I was abusing stimulants!. I knew I was supposed to be OK and what was causing it, but I couldnt control my fear of dying from it!. It's caused from anxiety, you might consider seeing a psychiatrist for anti-anxiety medications or behavioral help!.!.!. i know that when I had them they were true behavioral emergencies and if I had them on a normal day to day basis I could not function normally or preferentially, which seems to be your case!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Take your mind of dying and look at the good side of life!. If you think of other people distress, it will help you to calm down and relax!. Im not saying that other peoples distrss is good, im just trying to think of an example!. And let me tell you won't die that fast!.

But I think that somewhere in your childhood, you had a near death exprience!. And you know are more cautious and more afraid of doing something!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Sorry, if this sounds harsh!. You are going to die someday!. So, you have two options!. You can live a stressed life worrying about dying, OR, you can accept that you are going to die someday and live each day to the fullest, as though it is your last day!. Personally, I have chosen the latter!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Death is unavoidable!. The only thing we need to worry about is we will or will not regret anything when we face death!.
I don't know what to say but a busy life will probably make you not thinking about death anymore!.

If you in high school, join some of the clubs and do activities with your friends!. Playing sport, blah blah blah!.!.!.!.make yourself happy!.

Man, you only 19!?!?!?!? Woa, a long road to enjoy life!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

My god!.!.!.I found somone like me!.!

Although I am 22!.!.!.and i've grown out of it!

Seems to me that you have High anxiety!. Which I had!. I went to see someone and talk about it, gave me exercises do to, and just talking to some I didn't know help a lot!.

And it also help alot when I told one of my friends, and they thought the same thing!.

Remember people fear the anticipation of death, than death its self!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I suggest you see a therapist!. Someone to talk with who can help you sort this out!. Its totally worth it!. I was having a problem last year and found this woman who helped me alot and made me feel better about myself and that I am not crazy!.Most health insurance companies pay for it!. They don't ask why you need to go!. Good Luck!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It is appointed man (and woman ) once to die and then the judgement!. You will die but your last breath here could be your first breath in heaven if you believe that Jesus died for you !. Read the bible!. It will give you much peace and untold joy if you accept it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hello Rhonda!.!.!.listen there is no need to be afraid of dying!. You should try to find some sort of faith in something!. It might help you a lot!. I'm not trying to say "You should believe in God!"!. No I'm just saying you should give it a try!. It might work!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

because you're afriad of dying

you gunna live long time !. trust me

remember that someone his name is pace said so

death won't rap you don't worry

find something to do !. i think you're just lonelyWww@Answer-Health@Com

have you lost a loved one in the past!.maybe you need councelling!.a lot of people experience this after a bereavement!.your not alone!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Did something traumatic happen to you concerning death like a loved one passing away!? I think you need to let go!. Continuous worrying about death is not normalWww@Answer-Health@Com

Don't worry and think too much, my friends used to tell me!. Try to keep thing simple and optismic!. Hope this helps you and me too!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Surrender your life and your fears to Jesus Christ!.

(Jesus Christ said,) "I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand!." (John 10:28)Www@Answer-Health@Com

think of happy things life is to short to live in regret you should think of flowers or things like thatWww@Answer-Health@Com

There is a quote from the movie, The Kingdom, "You know, Westmoreland made all of us officers write our own obituaries during Tet, when we thought The Cong were gonna end it all right there!. And, once we clued into the fact that life is finite, the thought of losing it didn't scare us anymore!. The end comes no matter what, the only thing that matters is how do you wanna go out, on your feet or on your knees!? I bring that lesson to this job!. I act, knowing that someday this job will end, no matter what!. You should do the same!."

Basically, death will eventually come no matter what!. Sorry to disappoint, but that's life!. There is no avoiding it and there is no sense in worrying about something that's going to happen!. All you can do is find solace in the little things that bother you and just live your life!.

Besides, you'll find it ironic that worrying about your death can cause death, so it's not helping!. Just be happy and remember that life's too short to be so serious!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You really shouldn't worry about death!. Think about when you bite your tongue or stub your toe; you do it, then a very small time after it your ego experiences it and lets you know that it hurts and whatever!. It's the same with death!. Your ego will never have chance to experience it because of the delay!. People spend their whole lives worrying about something which they will never experience!. Ever in a car accident when you know you're going to crash your ego will still be there convincing you that although the situation is bad, you will be OK!.
Don't worry about your death because you wont notice it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Oh my God!
That happened to me!.
After my Grandpa died!. He died February 26th 2006!.
The year after I couldn't sleep, I couldn't think straight!. I was thinking of how I'm going to die!. It was AWFUL!.
I would run to my parents room and I would have to stay there til I was so tired!.
I would start doing Yoga, its very calming and clears the mind!.
Do you have a job!? If you do not you should get one!. Keep your mind OFF OF THE THOUGHT!.
Get a pet, they keep you busy!. Get a boyfriend, and stay busy with him!.

Ok I was thinking about how every year you feel it!.
Did someone in your life die!? I was looking online at that and it could be a ghost haunting you!. I'm not some sort of religious person who sees the dead and hooie balouie stuff!.
Get really busy with your life!.
Ok right now I want you to find places to sign up for yoga or other sort of classes!. Then I want you to look into adopting a dog at your local shelter!.
Then I want you to try to get a boyfriend!. Date him for a while, then at some point he will propose get married have kids!. Your life will be to busy to think about dying!.
Hope that helped!.
Do what I just said up there!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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