Handle criticism or insult?!

Question: Handle criticism or insult!?
Ahhh I have a problem!.!.!.I don't seem to handle criticism or insult well :S!.

What's the best way to handle them!? Any mantras you might say to yourself!?

I hate it how I get so frustrated and upset over silly little things!. I really wish I can handle it better but I find it really hard try to train my mind too!.


I really shouldn't care what other people think but stupidly do!. I need to get a grip and put things into perspective!. So much suffering in the world and all I can seem to think about are my trivial problems!.!.!.

Ahhh I need someone to throw me a line :(!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

May I ask you a question!?
How do you know you are being criticised or insulted!?
I cant remember ever being insulted or for that matter criticised, so do you think that perhaps you go about your daily life looking for insults and criticism!. Perhaps if you stopped looking for them you would find your day goes along quite merrily and you will not be insulted or criticized!.I would bet that most of the problem is in your perception!. Give it a try anyway, what have you got to loose, only a little of your paranoia!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

if it's criticism, then think to yourself rationally "hmm, really!? maybe it's something i should work on to further improve myself" if its an insult, just smile or laugh or just be indifferent cuz that person's opinion is just an opinion and not the truth!.!.!.
people tend to provoke to get a reaction out of others, so dont give them that reactionWww@Answer-Health@Com

get a happy hobby and do not worry what people think i am like you i do not deal with criticism or insults at all i get very angry or hurt so i use it by just being myself and not trip about it because it is just not worth it that mean people can not look at them selves and have to pick on others to feel better!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

A criticism can be viewed as a suggestion to improve your actions, and an insult could mean the person did not word his suggestion well!. Ask for more information!. I usually just say thanks for all the positive information!. Or "You think!?"Www@Answer-Health@Com

I use these lines:
"Thank you for your concern!. I will consider your comments!."
THEN consider the source - they may/may not have your well-being in mind!.

If they are rude!.

"What did you mean by that!?"Www@Answer-Health@Com

we all get it, they say the most successful people have and get the most criticism!. I do believe that!.

Who are THEY to judge you!?

It is all part of life and we all do it to various degrees!.
Try to take it with a pinch of salt!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Say, thank you very much I will take it under advisement!.You are correct ,don't let other peoples criticism bother you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

When someone tries to insult me, I remember this "What people say to you is about them!.!.!.how you take what they say is about you!."Www@Answer-Health@Com

It's normal to be mainly concerned with your own "trivial" problems!. One of the great philosophers, David Hume, said that it is "not contrary to reason to prefer the destruction of the the whole world to the scratching of my finger"!.

What he meant was that even though your intellect would tell you to care about greater things!.!.!. your desires (and thus preferences) make you care for your self more!.

It's not unnatural to get caught up much of the time in your own troubles, small as they might be!. Most people are the same, so don't worry about that!. You're normal!.

Remember that criticisms are only one point of view, and that there are many points of view!. You (or your work, etc) cannot be liked by everyone!. In the same sense, you're not going to like everyone you meet in this life!.
I know it still stings to be criticised, but take something positive from it if you can (i!.e!. see it as 'help to improve'), and keep this in mind: "That was only one voice, and one voice won't dishearten me", or something similar!.!.!.!. to keep it in perspective!.
Also, I agree with an above answer which said you need to look at the source of the criticism!. Is the critic qualified to criticise you!? Are they flawed too!? Do they want to help you or make you doubt yourself!?!.!.!.

Insults are a little different!. Keep in mind that insults often come from another person's insecurity -- they want to put you down in order to lift themselves up!. They're not strong people, and when you remember this, you might even find yourself feeling a little sorry for them!.!.!.!. Say to yourself "You insult me out of unhappiness within yourself!. Poor you"!.

Your life is huge!. You are full of depth, facets and potential!. Never underestimate yourself and the amazing things you can do!. And never let anyone knock you down!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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