Adults who still sleep with childhood security object?!

Question: Adults who still sleep with childhood security object!?
My sister, who is 18, still sleeps with a stuffed rabbit!. I was over my mom's house recently, and my sis was asleep on the couch still snuggled close to it!. My mom and I joke that we should kidnap it!. She says she doesnt need it to sleep, but just prefers it!. Anyone else out there still do this!? Is it normal or weird!? Should she be "weaned"!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

I'm 16 and still sleep with my teddy bears 99!.9% of the time, I don't need it to sleep, I just prefer it like your sister does, I even take my three bears when I sleep at a friends house!.!.!. I'm never giving these up, they will be in my bed when I'm married!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

it is not necessarily weird, and definitely not negative!. It is not uncommon that people find comfort in the innocent things from their childhood, just like this rabbit!. only be concerned if she carries around with her places, like when she goes on a trip somewhere!. If she is under a lot of stress, she might just be looking for something that has remained constant and a source of security in her life!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Preferably weaned!. But I seem to see this a lot in friends dorm rooms in college/univs, i think it's beacuse they miss their family a lot, and that object reminds her of them!.

I don't mind hanging out with these people and admire their little teddies/pillows, as long as their clean!. Sometimes people don't even wash it cuz they're afraid that the distinctive memory smell will go away, and that's just disturbing!. I suggest this one should be weaned ASAP, or at least send to the cleaners!Www@Answer-Health@Com

i'm fifteen and i still do it!. i've had it forevver!. i don't really need it to sleep either, and i go through long periods of time (like half a year or more) where i won't sleep with it, but then when i start again it's just a habit!. and yeah, i guess that i would say that i prefer it!.

maybe she's lonely!?!? !? haha my friend's mom teases me about it too, but we all do!. even i do! as long as she doesn't have problems sleeping without it, then it's not a problem!!!

plus once in glamour magazine it had a section (it always has this section) "hey, it's okay if!.!.!.!." and then one of the ends of the sentence was "!.!.!.you still sleep with a stuffed animal"

hope this helped!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Its very normal!. I'm ninteen and I often sleep with the stuffed animals from my childhood particularly if I'm afraid or it is storming!. Almost every girl I know does this!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

What is weird is that it bothers you and your mother!. Leave her alone!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

put her down!.

not the bunny,
your sister!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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