What is my gf? Crazy, sociopath, bi-polar someone help!!!?!

Question: What is my gf!? Crazy, sociopath, bi-polar someone help!!!!?
It started off good, but three months in my baby has never been the same!. I don't know what she is, she is always bitching about something!. For example, i'll wake up and she'll start with an attitude i'll say come on attitude already and she'll say, you better quit talking to me like that when all i want is her to drop her attitude!. She is never wrong, if she is wrong she'll put out a million reasons as to why she did what she did, and never apologizes!. Never ever, she'll cuss at me and won't apologize!. She tells me i can't hang out with my best friend and my cousin who i grew up with because she doesn't like them!. She called their house looking for me over and over so my cousin answered and said quit calling so she started cusing him out then told me they were the most immoral people she has met!. Why!? cuz they said not to call that much!? She never learns from past experiences when we fight!. I'll use her same words that she uses on me when we fight just to see if she'll pick upWww@Answer-Health@Com

dump her definately, and rescue ur son from this h*l*Www@Answer-Health@Com

Sounds like she's got some issues!. You need to protect yourself and remove yourself from the situation a!.s!.a!.p! She need time to cool off and think about her actions and maybe see someone in the mean time!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Dude, nevermind her problems!. Why are you staying in the relationship!? Most women aren't that way, at least in my experience!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

She has issues!. Even I can see that and I'm known to be pretty bitchy!. I have no clue what's wrong with her but seriously, she's a little crazy!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

dump her like a hot potato!. you deserve better!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

lol , womans *sigh* !. i think you should ask her to behave better or u will quit the relationship !. u dont want a possessive woman like that i tell ya !.!.!. good luckWww@Answer-Health@Com

She does sound crazy!. Maybe you should lose her!. And P!.S!., not ALL women are crazy! I'm a cool a5s chick!! lolWww@Answer-Health@Com

dude all woman are crazyWww@Answer-Health@Com

I agree!.!. most girls are crazy!.!. (my gf being one of them) but u know what u should do!?!? record ur problems!.!. either video or audio!.!. record it when u two are fighting and she is the one at blame!.!. because when a person is heated up they dont really think!.!. but u can show her the tape (when she is feeling normal) and say!.!. this is the problem!.!. look how u treat me for no reason!.!.!. ect ect!.!. with evidence she cant avoid!.!.!. because my gf is loco too!.!. but ur gf has extreme issues!.!. i mean im not a sane person either!.!.!. i suffer from bipolar ll and anxiety!.!.!. but i control myself with medical marijuana!.!. and dont get to full mania!.!. maybe ur gf needs to smoke some green stuff!.!.!. medical marijuaan has been used for a lot of different type of patiences!.!. "bipolar,anxiety,depression,agrresion,la!.!.!. of sleep, ect ect!.!.!. or maybe just sneak some pot brownies or something!.!. because what u just explain its not healthy at all!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

lol, firstly, dont say "come on attitude already" - do you know how annoying that would be!?!

It sounds like there's a deep problem in this r'ship!. She's obviously holding some issue inside which may or may be not be about ur r'ship, but she takes it out on you!.

You need to have a good talk to her, tell her your concerned about HER emotional state right now, but dont EVER blame or judge her!. Just tell her youre there for her and dont raise ur voice, etc etc!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Sounds like a crazy girlfriend to me!. I've dated someone similar, very jealous, very controlling, very evil!. Don't try to understand her, instead start acting like the man in the relationship instead of her child and put your foot down!. Tell her what you will and will not tolerate!. And tell her if she's not women enough to handle your requests (demands) then maybe you two need to break it off!.

PUT YOUR FOOT DOWN! If all that fails then RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN because she's not going to change!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

This is just my personal opinion from over 20 yrs of experience with my own illness & tons of research, etc!. Sounds like she may possibly be bipolar, for which she needs to be treated!. Also (& I know this from personal experience), some SSRI's, like Prozac or even Wellbutrin can CAUSE aggressive, agitated behavior!. So she needs to see a very good, (well recommended) psychiatrist (not a family doctor)!. She may have to see several b4 she finds the right one for her!.
As far as your part in this!.!.!.and again, this is me speaking in terms of my own illness: If you don't set some boundaries with her & insist that she seek a very good psychiatrist's help (+ therapy would be good--Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is the best), then you are both going to be very miserable!. She will con't to be the way she is unless you set boundaries & really mean them!. It may seem hard/cruel at first, but remember, you're helping her in the long run!. Besides, you should not allow yourself to be treated as she is treating you!. If you allow her to con't to behave in this manner, you are "enabling" her & her illness!.

Good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Dont let her Near your son, She sounds like a fool, she cuts her self meaning she wants attention from anyone who will look at her wounds!.!. dont go near her !.!.!. she need help or just a reality check!.!. leave her alone and let her deal with her own problems and let her know that she should get help !.!. i dont think she would listen to you but its the good thing to do!. Find yourself a girl who is perfect for you !.!.!. dont settle for less !.!. this girl seems like a big problem!.!.!. everyone has enough problems in life, without an silly partner!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

dude she ether is mad at you and wants to brake up or wants more attention and doesn't know how to get it my advise is to arrange a night alone just you and her!.Go to dinner get, some ice creme tell her that you love her!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

We don't know whether or not she is literally bipolar!.

Unfortunately, we *can* probably say that this is her personality!. For the rest of her life!.

It sounds as though the real problem is that you are so in shock about the change that you can't quite believe it!. You're waiting for her to calm down and change back!.

She has extraordinarily good qualities, or you wouldn't have fallen in love with her!. But she's not perfect!. None of us is!.

It's possible that she can see what's happening, too!. In fact, anxiety about losing you may actually be *increasing* her level of hysteria!. She wants to be perfect!. We all do!. Or rather, we all want to be pretty good!.

I would say, perform the following miracle:

First, forgive yourself!. You didn't know!.

Then, forgive her!. She may have no control over this!.

Then wait!. Wait for that one hour of the week when she is receptive to what she otherwise might perceive as criticism!.

You might have to wait even longer than that if you both have busy schedules!.

Then, when everything is quiet !. !. !.

Tell her you love her!. Tell her that it was so much fun when you were falling in love with her!. Tell her that she seems so nervous now and that you love her and you're her boyfriend and you want to be there for her!. Tell her that there must be some way that the two of you can calm her down!.

Ask her if she trusts you!. Give her time!.

Tell her there might be a pill her doctor can give her to help her calm down!. Tell her you're on *her* side!.

I can't tell precisely what the answer is from here, but, if a miracle occurs, the two of you might be able to find the solution together!.

I hope it works out!.

If she can't calm down, you can't stay in an abusive relationship, but I wouldn't introduce that idea too early in the conversation!. It would only get her more upset!.

Bring it up only as the very last resort!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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