I don't know what's wrong!!?!

Question: I don't know what's wrong!!!?
I sit and stare into space like I'm in a constant daydream!. I get really upset, on the brink of tears and sometimes I do cry!. It all stems from one problem (which I can't explain) and some days I can feel quite happy and then its like reality has kicked back in and I feel bad because I haven't been thinking about my problems!. I just feel really down and when I want to cry I can't!. I put on a brave face and people think I'm fine, but inside its tearing me apart!. I have talked to a few people about this(so no suggestions about talking coz its got me nowhere)!. Please help, what should I do, does anyone know whats wrong with me!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

It sounds like you might be dealing with depression!. If you go here:
You can take a self-quiz to see if you may have depression!.
Best wishes and God bless!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I know you said you have already talked to people!.

But maybe you havent talked to the right people, have you spoken to your doctor about this!?

If not I suggest you do!.

As this one problem is starting to control your life!.

You need to get a hobby go out and exercise anything to take your mind off it!.

Good luck xWww@Answer-Health@Com

you got to deal with the problem and then it will go away!. Get professional help if you have to!. Especially i f you cant face to talk about it!. Email me if you want an organisation to turn to and i willhelp you to find one!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You speak about everything stemming from one problem(which you cannot explain)!.You don't actually say whether this is a cannot or will not situation!. You then go on to say that you feel really bad when you haven't thought about your problems for a while!. Certainly what you are describing does sound like a classical depression situation!.The situation which gave rise to the depression is obviously beyond your power at the moment to deal with and feeling bad when you have been happy for a little while suggests that on some level you feel guilty about feeling happy!. To just talk about your problems may work for people who are just unhappy but not clinically depressed, but once you start to feel guilty about being happy ,you really do need more qualified help!.A qualified counsellor or better still a referral to a psychologist via your own doctor would be the best course for you!. You won't really start to feel any better until you not only get to the root of the problem, but also understand it and feelings attached to it, and then be able to deal with the both the problems and the feelings attached to it!. The only way to do this is by seeking qualified help!.I have been there and I do know this!.I hope you will find peace!.
Love and Light!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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