I feel so ashamed!?!

Question: I feel so ashamed!!?
I'm really ashamed!. I was at school and I was really scared about people cutting themselves and i thought that If I did it I would be able to think I don't want to do it because i know it will hurt!. so I did it and I feel so ashamed of myself!. I feel so stupid because I could of told myself that I don't want to do it!. i feel so ashamed!. I feel so stupid!. I think I was just trying to realive stress but now I know that I need to look for something besides pain to get away from stress!. I'm just so aggrivaded with myself!. Please don't answer this question harsh!. I'm so upset right now!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

everyone goes through rough times!. it will get better!. try to do something constructive!. maybe a sport or something to keep your mind away from bad thoughts!.!. it will be okay!. :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

I am very worried about you!. When did you start to hear that other people were cutting themselves and why would you think it would make you feel less pain about other things!?

Please do not feel stupid!. You are confused, I bet, but not stupid!. The fact that you feel very sad and uncertain tells me that you should think about talking to someone who is not a peer and maybe would listen to you and your concerns!.

Don't make yourself feel worse right now!. You did something that you know is not healthy and got through it!. Now try and take a few deep breaths and then realize that you must talk to someone who can help sort your feelings out!. You are not alone by any means!. Maybe just feeling as if you got caught up in something!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Don't feel ashamed sweetie, just pluck up courage and tell your parents'!. They love you and will help you to understand why you did this!. You don't say why you are stressed or how old you are!. You do not say whether you are still doing this to yourself!. Perhaps after telling your parents' they could get you some medical help if you need it!. We have all done something stupid and regretted it after, I have and so have lots of other people!.
Promise yourself tonight that you will tell your parents'
Good luck
let us know here how you get on
UK based Mum!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Look first you need to understand it is not the pain that is sought, it is the drug that is naturally released when cutting!.
By pass the cutting and go straight for the drugs if this is what you choose!. Consult a doctor first though!.
My son is in a mental hospital for what you have just done!. I assume you realize you could have killed yourself, and it sounds like you will never do this again!.
Some times kids do stupid things!. Only to learn not to do it again!. Give yourself some credit at least your realized this is not for you!. Wish my
kid would learn this!!
Now maybe you can talk to the other kids and why they should never do such things!.!.!.!.
Good luckWww@Answer-Health@Com

I feel bad for you!. I mean, we all have done stuff and then when we look back, we wonder why we ever thought of it!. I cant say why you might have cut yourself but i can say that this is when i do when im stuck on making a decision!.

Just weigh your options on what makes you the most happy with yourself!. When you go towards the happy choice, youll know!.

And dont feel stupid! It was one bad thing in your life, only one!. Forgive and Forget!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It's hard not to be harsh!.!.!.!.what was you thinking!? Your stressed so you want to hurt yourself!? I'm speechless cause my neice did the same thing and it makes NO damn sense to me!. Why would you want to hurt yourself if your already stressed and stuff wouldn't you want to do something to make you happy!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

It's OKAY!. Everybody goes through pressure, and people have cut themselves because other people do it!. You probably know now you REALLY do not want to cut yourself, so you wont do it anymore!.
Dont think about it!. People have done worse things in their life!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well, you learned something!. Good for you!. Find other ways to deal with your stress - exercise, relaxation, talking to people you trust!. You'll be okay!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

don't be so ashamed!. i promise, you're not alone!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

O!.!.!. kay, that's not really a question, but here I go!.

First of all, okay, you did something you regret!. The first step to feeling better about the situation AND yourself is to not do it anymore!. So, step one: stop doing it!.

Second, it sounds like you did this out of need for a release!. So, since you've already discovered Step One says "stop doing it", you get to find something else to do!. For stress releif, I work out!. It may sound strange, but I find that the endorphines released by a good 12-15 minute run make me feel better about my body AND help flush out the ick feelings!. Endorphines = the body's natural morphine!. So, find something you like doing that makes you feel good, like going for a walk or swimming or knitting (don't laugh, that's my other one) or playing vidoe games or whatever!. Go do that, burn off steam!.

Three, you're a kid!. Chill out!. The current stage of your life is going to suck an awful lot and confuse the hell out of you, but you WILL get through it!. Understand right now that everything going on in your brain and body is as a result of your grand adventure called "growing up", and it sucks big fat weenies the whole way through!. And ANYbody you talk to will understand!. If they claim to not understand, they've either forgotten, or are outright lying!. A new statistic says that more than half the teens in America suffer from dpression!. You're not alone, got it!? If you start to struggle, ask for help from your parents or a councilor!. They're there to help you!.

Last, I just want to say congratulations for knowing what you did was probably not a real good idea and recognizing that you need to find another way to deal with stress!. Cutters tend to do lasting, scarring damage to themselves!. Fortunately I only did it a couple times before I found out it's not a smart thing to do!.

Yep!. You're not alone!. So chin up, deep breath, and go talk to somebody!. Get out there and do something you enjoy!. Life gets a lot less stupid after you get past this stage!. It sucks right now, but it won't last forever!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You live and you learn!.You made a mistake and you have learned from it!.We all make mistakes but we make them so we can learn from them!.

If you want help to reduce your stress try the following!.

My advice is that you start the omega 3 diet!.I have researched omega 3 acids for 2 years and performed a very successful experiment on myself and few of my volunteer friends!.Few months of the omega 3 diet i cured my stress[and/or depression] problems permanently and significantly raised my intelligence,improved memory,sight,reflexes[and many other known and unknown benefits] and without any drugs or supplements in the form of pills!.

Take two table spoons of grinded flaxseed[rich with omega 3]a day[with a glass of water] and in a few months you will start to notice significant improvement in your mental health[you will become more psychologically stable,among other things]!.Use a coffee grinder!.Whole seeds cannot be digested by the hydrochloric acid in our stomach only grinded seeds!.A fact and not a assumption!.You have nothing to loose only gain by it!.There are many articles on the internet about the omega 3!.2 years ago before i started the diet i did not feel so stable or happy how i feel today!.

Also!.Take 100 grams of grinded almonds a day and a kiwi!.One kiwi contains 117% of your daily need!.The most important nutrient that the almonds contain is riboflavin which is a very important part of your mental and physical balance!.100g of almonds contain 33% of your daily riboflavin need!.The most important nutrient in the kiwi is C vitamin that is also very important for your mental and physical balance!.One thing that i should add about the C vitamin is that it is necessary for the conversion of ALA omega 3 fatty acid that the flax seeds contain to the more important DHA and EPA omega 3 fatty acids that are a very important part of your psychological stability and much more!.Make sure that before you start the diet that you prepare the food sources that contain the following nutrients:C vitamin,B3,B6,zink,magnesium!.The more you consume the higher the conversion!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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