Why is my 40mg Adderall XR not working anymore?!

Question: Why is my 40mg Adderall XR not working anymore!?
Just one 20mg Adderall xr used to work gor me before I got prescribed zoloft 50mg!. Is the zoloft making my adderall not work!. On 40mg Adderall XR I'm still really tired and not focused at all! What going on!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Adderall XR and Zoloft can interact and cause symptoms such as poor concentration and restlessness!. Let your doctor know that the increased dose in Adderall is not working!.

Biologically speaking, both drugs help produce serotonin in the brain, so since you are on both at the same time, you may be getting a little too much serotonin!.

You can see if the doctor can prescribe Prozac or Effexor instead of Zoloft, although there is a chance they will still cause the same symptoms!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

The more you take it, the more your body gets used it!. So you would need more amounts over time, to "satisfy" that need!.

You should ask your doctor!.

Maybe the depression/being tired is a side-effect from what you're taking!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Maybe the Zoloft is what's making you 'really tired and not focussed!.'

Maybe the Zoloft is counteracting the Adderall!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

yes, the medication is probably counteracting!.!. you should ask your doctor though!. or call a pharmasict!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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