I wonder if I can ever be happy?!

Question: I wonder if I can ever be happy!?
It seems like nothing ever satisfies me!. I have a pretty great life, but I'm still never happy!. I seem to always be searching for something else, never content with what I have and where I'm at in life!. I do struggle with slight depression/anxiety, and I assume that plays a pretty big role in why I feel this way!.

I am a 26 year old girl!. I have a boyfriend of 2 years who is wonderful!. I have parents who are still together in a great relationship, who raised me well, and who would do anything for me!. I am about to graduate college with a 3!.5 gpa!. Seems pretty good, right!? I never feel like it's good enough!.

I stress out about trivial things, and it consumes me!. These feelings and behaviors negatively affect my relationships with other people!. I never feel happy!. I'm tired of living this way!. What can I do to promote happiness with myself!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

I felt the same way,too!. Great life, good people around me, but I wan't doing what my heart wanted to do!. Now I am!.
To promote happiness within you must look within!. Outside circumstances will never solve that feeling!. Self help therapy books are great!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I have been struggling with similar thing Even though I have a supportive family and a great fiance things just don't seem fun but last week on the verge of a breakdown because of the stress from my job I realized wow only one person can help me besides myself and that is God I have been through some hard times but faith and belief and reading the bible has really helped me!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Man would never be happy and satisfied with what he/she has!. Even though we got all the wealth, fame, beauty, etc!. in this world!.!.!.there would still be a hole inside our hearts --> a feeling of incompleteness!. Do you know who can fill that hole up in your heart!? Not more money mor more fame nor more beauty!.!.!.Only God can!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Same here!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

trust me, therapy can help you find out what is bothering you!. give it a try!.

take careWww@Answer-Health@Com

I do not know whether you can accept this : but man can only be happy when he is related to the Creator God!.

Only God can fill your emptiness of heart!. Everyone experiences emptiness of heart, and only God can fill it!. I just had a wonderful time (like heaven on earth) worshipping God yesterday!. It was so wonderful!.

God loves you!. Jesus cares for you !. Give Him your unhappiness and He will take care of you!. You will feel fulfilled!.

Here are some more advice :

What is depression!?
Depression is more than the blues or the blahs; it is more than the normal, everyday ups and downs!. When that "down" mood, along with other symptoms, lasts for more than a couple of weeks, the condition may be clinical depression!. Clinical depression is a serious health problem that affects the total person!. In addition to feelings, it can change behavior, physical health and appearance, academic performance, social activity and the ability to handle everyday decisions and pressures!.
Depression may be caused by negative thoughts, poor circumstances, loss of loved ones, genetic factors, biochemical imbalance in the brain, emptiness in heart, unforgiveness, addictions etc!. Very often, a combination of genetic, psychological, and environmental factors is involved in the onset of a depressive disorder!.

Some of the symptoms of depression are!.!.!.

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