Dealing with problems as an adult?!

Question: Dealing with problems as an adult!?
As we become adults, do we tend to bottle up our problems and deal with them on our own, feeling as if it's something we SHOULD do!? Or do we look for and feel we need our friends and family to help us through our problems!?

Is part of maturing learning to deal with things alone, without seeking guidance, reassurance and support!?

What do other adults feel or think about you if you are the type that needs that reassurance, guidance and support!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

I think that "grownups" do probably end up dealing with more issues and problems on their own because they are wiser and able to work through many problems on their own or because they don't have enough time to consult friends, family, etc!.!.!. (Jobs, children, families, etc!.!.!. get in the way of our freedom)!.

However, some problems are best dealt with working through with good friends, parents, or even a counselor or shrink!. Many people see a psychologist every week or more to keep on top of the issues in their life!. As we get older, issues become more difficult and need attention!. If we don't feel comfortable bringing our problems to our friends, family, coworkers, it's a great idea to seek professional help!. this does not mean you are mentally ill or crazy by any means!. A professional relationship can become like a very dear friendship, where nothing is taboo and you come to trust the therapists advice and this allows you to move on in life!.

I think it's hard to not care what others think, but sometimes this is a great lesson!. As long as you are happy with your life and your method of living it (even if you like to talk to people about stuff) that's all that matters!. Other peoples opinions are just noise to be ignored!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Ppl are always responsible for their own decisions even when the decision is indecision or no decision!. That said, I believe that ppl who are healthy emotionally and psychologically tend to have friends or family who are the same (or close to it) and will talk to them when the issue is important!. Talking is away of framing the issue!. It forces you to hear what's rumbling around in your head and sometimes that alone makes you realize that some fears or ideas just aren't so logical!. Feedback can add perspective!. Overall, it's healthy!. This idea that we have to be self-sufficient to the point of making all decisions in isolation of others isn't healthy!. It's limiting, lonely, and creates an unnecessary burden!. That, however, doesn't mean the responsibility for the decision is not yours!. It just means you can use the resources and support system you have to arrive at the answer you will roll the dice on!. Keep in mind, though, you have to be strong enough to recognize when the advice is not advice that you want to act upon it's your responsibility to yourself to not take that action!. Inevitably you will get some of that!. Sooner or later, you will figure out who listens openly and who just wants to tell you what to do!. The listeners are the ppl to seek!. The tellers aren't much help!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well, speaking for all adults, I think people that need the constant feedback and approval of other people are week and codependent!. Being an adult is realizing that YOU are responsible for your own problems!. YOU have to make choices, often times alone, that cannot be made easier by anyone else!. You can get input, but if you need that sort of sunshine blowing all the time, you are a child still!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I am an adult, and while you do deal with a lot more things on your own because you have gained some life experience, no one is an island so there are times throughout life that there is a need for and outside view!. We never really grow out of the need for feedback and advice but we do start to need less reassurance as we start to really know who we are in this world!. That is the norm, there are people that due to esteem problems or other dysfuntions need constant reassurance regardless of age, but that is not normal or healthy!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I've been dealing with my own problems since I can remember!. I don't rely on others very much!. It's really good to have a support system when you need it though!. It doesn't mean that you can't deal with your own problems!. Even with a support system, YOU are going to be the one who has to deal with whatever it is!. Your support system is there for just that, "support"!. You are the one who still has to "deal" with it and make the changes!. I can usually handle myself well in this department!. I try not to come off as "needy", but sometimes we need someone else's opinion or to just vent to someone!. It can be a big help!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I think that we do tend to try and 'deal' with problems on our own, not because that's a sign of maturity but because that is what our culture tells us (which I think is counterintuitive)!. I think it is very important to have a support system and having others help you with problems just makes it all the more easier to deal and handle with!.
Think of a person who you might consider immature!. My picture is that of a person that disregards other's feelings and uses them/takes them for granted, probably illogical in thinking, and requires more lessons to learn 'life' lessons!. So take the opposite of that and that is maturity!. Having reassurance and support is good and if you have it, then props to you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

We learn from our experiences, and as we tend to have different experiences we tend to react to situations differently!. Something that I've learned is that many of those things we bottle up because we think no one else will understand have actually happened to far more people than we realise!. It's always useful to have friends some of whom know you more intimately than others!. I've also had the benefit of working as the only male in an otherwise female environment for 10 years or more!. While I still can't claim to understand women, at least I learned when to shut up and when to speak up ;)Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well I think as we become adults we think that we need to deal with our problems on our own without any help!. After a while we feel tired!. but of truly becoming adult is when we learn that we can't deal with all our problems ourselves!. There are times when we need ot talk to someone, and get advice!. There are times that we just need some reassurence that we are doing the right thing!.
Yes there are some problems that we should be able to deal with on our own and that is part of maturing!.But we need to be able to tell the difference between if we need help or if we can do it by ourselves!. This is when we can truly call ourselves adults!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

unfourtunetly yes

as adults we have to manage mini-"empires" (jobs, houses, family, ect!.) and we have to sacrifice ourselves to live good lives and to help our loved ones

however, there is solice to be found in doing soWww@Answer-Health@Com

yes!.!.!.!.i try to deal w/ my life problems!.!.!.!.!.!.alone,!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. its tough at times but then i'm always glad i choose to deal w/ it !.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com


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