I want to commit suicide!?!

Question: I want to commit suicide!!?
Is there any site on here that can help me talk about my problem before it gets worste!?! I've suffered with dysthemia in the past, and today after an arguement with my mom in the mall she snapped at me saying i didnt care about her!. I got so angry in the car later yelling at her saying that i did care and that i cared so much that i wanted to see her happy before that i had let her remarry which led to hard situations then to me becoming dysthemic!. My mom complains/nags/ rants about her life all the time and it has taken its affect on me!. I now complain all the time and it even annoys my friends!. My mom said she was going to get me a shrink but i bet she wont! And its not just me, its HER!. I'm tired and i dont need to suffer anymore especially when she divorced the jerk 3 years ago!. And im now 15!. Is there anyone or any site that can help me!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

think about other people's problems in the world like being homeless and being an orphan!. i wanted to commit suicide a couple times because i suffer from depression, but i force myself to think of the things i told you and to remember that you are strong and will get through this along with many many more more difficult things in life and it will honestly make you stronger!. i am a totally different and better person because of all the stuff i had to get through to get where i am today!. write down some goals that you want to achieve whether in the next week and/or in years to come, like having a family, getting married, trying out for a school play, getting your dream job, etc!. this definitely helps me when i know i can look forward to the future with friends, family and going for what i want!. i hope i helped!. trust me, you'll get better with all this!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You really need to see a councilor!
I feel very bad for you! And not trying to sound mean or anything, but the best thing would be is to just get somebody to talk to! Maybe try a counseling center named "Family Links" where maybe since your grandmother understands your situation you guys would go together and someone would talk to you about things!
I really hope things get better! best of luck!
But remember your mother of course would need to get involved!Www@Answer-Health@Com

is there a family member you could go live with!? And it sounds like both of you are not happy and having a tough time dealing with all lifes cr**!. check into living with a relative !. or if your close to 16 then get a job so you can get away during the day or evening plus earn money and work twords moving out on yur own when ya get a bit older!. hope this helpsWww@Answer-Health@Com

whats up with the first guy who answered that question ! don't kill yourself!. he's just trying to make you feel unwanted!. but everything okay!. i promise, something good will happen and make you feel better!. life is tough, but it's worth living!. there are so many things you would miss if you wern't in this world!. you have to fight trough the worst, to get to the best! best of luck hun!<33Www@Answer-Health@Com

You are very young!. Although it seems things will suck *** forever it don't!. Being a teenager is no fun!. But you grow out of it !. Please hang in there!. Your life is worth living!. DON'T LISTEN TO THE WORTHLESS GARBAGE PEOPLE WRITE !.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I agree with rift3r!. You are just like every other teenage kid who whines about this crap!. Just shut your mouth, no one wants to hear this!. If they say they do it is a lie!. Shut up and stop complaining!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Here is a hot-line number: 1-800-448-3000!. It's to talk to someone about teen depression and suicidal thoughts!. I forgot the website I got it from!. I've never called it before thoughWww@Answer-Health@Com


DO IT it might make you feel betterWww@Answer-Health@Com

Your mum sounds as tho she is really sad at the moment!. You both have been through so much together!.

Please hang in there!. I am very depressed at the moment!. Everyone is telling me different things!. I am worried of my own emotions and feelings!. I feel so alone!. But suicide is not the answer!.

It may seem the best way, to get rid of the pain that you are in!. But believe me you will leave so many other people behind with pain and suffering!. Do you really want to do this to the people you love!?

Keep talking to people, dont shut yourself off (believe me, it can be a very lonely world if you do)!. Write down when someone says something nice to you!. You may not believe it, but the more you write down the more there is to believe!.

Get some help, doctors, friends, counsellors!. Please!.

I know the pain you are going through, I am in the same horrible place to!. But we both need to hang on - it will get better we need to believe that!.

Take careWww@Answer-Health@Com

If you feel like hurting yourself, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or the National Hopeline Network at 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433) right away!. These are 24 hour hotlines that offer suicide prevention and support!. The call is free and confidential!.

Also, try making an appoint with a school counselor to talk about your family problems!. They can offer you great help!.

Be careful about getting help from websites!. Most offer suggestions in the form of a support forum!. Just like YA, you will get some great advice but you could also get potentially harmful advice!. People who offer you help may be somebody older and experienced or somebody young and confused!. That is why I suggest calling a crisis hotline or seeking help from an adult you know and trust!.

I hope everything works out for you!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I'm really sorry to hear that you are having problems with your mom and with depression!. It is hard but it will get better!. I know you've probably heard it already but suicide isn't always the way to go!. First I want to suggest that if you are really feeling like committing suicide please call the police or talk to a school counsler or teacher!. You could even try CALMLY talking to your mother!.
Now for websites that can help!.!.!.you can try http://www!.dailystrength!.org This is a support website for all sorts of issues!.!.!.it's kinda like a journal where people can comment and give you advice and it also has a forum so you can get quicker advice!.
Good luck with this!.!.!.I hope the best for you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

What ever you do do not commit suicide!. Your may be having trouble with your mom, but everyone has those times!. Life can be rough at times but life is still the most precious gift in the universe!. Do not let it go!. Think of all those people with cancer or starvation who are struggling and putting up with pain and agony to just hold on a little longer!. It makes your situation seem not so bad!. Try keeping a diary and writing down all your feelings instead of venting them to your friends!. Or try running!. Whenever you get mad at your mom just go outside and run as fast as you can by the time you get tired you'll feel better!. Just whatever you do do not throw away a gift that so many long for!. Think of how your friends would feel if you did and your grandmother!. Sometimes it may seem like no one cares but they really do!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It is too bad you gotta deal with this!. I am sorrry this is happening to you!. A lot of people look happy on the outside but everyone has their problems!. You are prob all your mom has but she should not be burdening you with her problems she needs help and possibly depression meds!. Just ask her to please stop and tell her what it is doing to you!. You also need to speak with a school counselor, they can refer you and your mom to orqanizations that can help you both!.
God Bless you, I will pray for you as well!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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