Prozac and Abilfy? Has anyone tried it?!

Question: Prozac and Abilfy!? Has anyone tried it!?
My sister suffers from depression!. The first 8 weeks she was on 20mg daily of Prozac then on the 9th week the dosage went to 40mg daily!. Everything seemed a little calmer but this past weekend she had a serious rage blow-up!. We took her to the hospital but after waiting for few years hours, she got fed up and decided to leave!. After seeing her psychiatrist, he gave her Abilify!.

The doctor called Abilify a tranquilizer!. This is a relative new drug and not quite sure how it actually works with Prozac!. He wants her to take 5mg for the first three days and then on the 4th it goes up to 10mg!.

Anyone have any experience with this combination!?

Thank so much!.!.!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

First of all, it's a baby dose of abilify and shouldn't have major consequences with an SSRI!. Second of all!.!.!. IMO, the doc should not be prescribing an antipsychotic (which is wat Abilify actually is) for anger management!. What is he thinking!?!? But that's up to him!.

Third of all, Abilify shows no evidence of being "tranquilizing!." It's actually activating and can cause akithesia, or restless legs, agitated mood, etc!. Your doctor is a boob!.

Tell ya what I think: I'm pretty pharmacologically well-versed, and I think you should bring up these issues to the doctor!. A "tranquilizer!." My "foot!."Www@Answer-Health@Com

abilify is not only an antipsychotic (neuroleptic), it is also a mood stabilizer used for bipolar disorder!. He may think she has "soft bipolar" or bipolar that is activated by antidepressants but is not part of the normal illness cycle!. or if she is young, bipolar usually presents as depression at first, especially in young women!. I agree, abilify is the new kid on the block!. I am pretty sure it is common practice to use it with prozac!. But he shouldn't have called it a tranquilizer!. it is a mood stabilizer!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Abilify is actually an antipsychotic (and mood stablizer)!.!.!.it will help to stablize her mood and if she is having any psychotic experiences it will help with that!. I dont' know how it will react with prozac though as I've never been on prozac but becareful with abilify!.!.!.when I took it it made me EXTREMELY suicidal!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I have experiences with both, separately though!. I hate prozac, gave me headaches, anxiety came back, got irratiable!. meh!. Ablify, I could not stop oving for the life of me!. I was constantly moving!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

LOL, Abilify is not a tranquilizer! It is an antipsychotic that tends if anything to be activating!. It gave me akathisia, not at all pleasant, and is known to pop ppl with bipolar into mania or mixed states (depressed and manic together) just like antidepressants!. With anger issues going on, it's not a good choice, IMHO!. But, heh, it's the new toy on the market!.

If she is having psychotic features, an antipsychotic is appropriate!. Those of us who've been around a few would just question the choice and the way it was presented!.

As a side note, if the aggravation and aggression started after antidepressants, she should probably be evaluated by another psychiatrist!. That response is a flag for bipolar disorder!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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