Chronic worry...advise please!?!

Question: Chronic worry!.!.!.advise please!!?
I have a problem with worrying!. I know it's a problem because I obsess over bad things happening to me or my family!. I have an appt to go back to counseling again, but my appt is a month away so I'm just hoping that some of you out there who have the same problem might be able to give me some advice on how to deal with it until my appt!.

I was actually doing pretty well until a few days ago, when I read an article that said that our meat supply in the US isn't being checked for mad cow disease and now we're all at risk for getting vCJD or even CJD because there could be a long incubation period!. Whatever the case is, now I just constantly worry that a big pandemic is going to break out and a bunch of us are going to die!. I know it sounds ridiculous, I even feel ridculous as I'm typing it, but I can't seem to shake this stupid worry that I have!. So anyone with any advise on how to stop worrying!.!.!.I'd love to hear it!
Thank you!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Meditation technique

Most of our problems stem from the mind!.
Situations are what they are, but our mind puts a whole new spin on it, often for the worse!.
This leads to a lot of the worry we feel, and being consumed by it we act from it, hurting those we care about!.
This is true for all people in all positions of life,except babies!.

So rather than be controlled by the mind, we should learn to control it!.
It is hard to directly do so rather we can control its most obvious manifestation, the breath!.
You'll note that when you are very concentrated you won't breath as much, or when angry shallow and rapidly!.
How to control the breath!.
Inhale and as you do pay attention to the column of air entering your right nostril(air enters both sides, but focus on the right side for now)!.
Exhale and feel the column exit on the left side(air exits both sides, but pay attention to the left)!.
Inhale through the left nostril, exhale through the right(same as previous steps)!.
Inhale and feel the air in both nostrils rise to the top of your nose like an inverted 'V', then force it all out in one breath!.
This counts as one cycle!.
You can go up to 100 in a day, and make a game of this!.
If you lose track of the count restart!.
As you get better you'll notice your breathing slowing down!.
Once you slow down enough, the mind slows down, to the point you can feel a space between thoughts!.
As you advance further you'll learn to identify yourself with that peace, not the worry

Good luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You CANNOT control all the crap that happens out there! REALIZE THIS!! U need to go back to your counselor, talk about things!.!.!. Maybe take a couple shots of vodka, and focus more on the fun things u can do with your time instead of worrying!! Just relax!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

One thing only can help you just trust GOD !.it is very good and will mack you calm according said GOD in holy quran!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I am also a worrier!.
I just finished eating a steak!. I hope I don't get Mad Cow Disease!.
I have found if I come up with a plan of action for something I am worried about, I have chosen how I will deal with the situation!. This helps me put the worry aside!.
If the worry has to do with your family, talk to them about how you can manage the particular situation you are worried about!.
Once you know what you will do this lessens the intensity of the worry!. I hope this will help you cut down on your worrying!.
Best Wishes!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You seem to be a pessimistic person thinking of the worst most instances!. Most of our worries don't come to pass!.
It's the mind that's playing havoc and sometimes you've just have to talk to people about your worry and you'll find that it's not as serious as you think- it may even be something ridiculous !.

Regarding your latest worry, talk to people who have eaten the meat and see how they feel!.

I must admit I'm also quite a pessimist and constantly get scolded by my wife for thinking of the worst things!.

Recently I forgot to run a prog that was planned for April and I thought my boss would give me a good scolding or even give me a D grading or something but it turned out that she tried to give me several solutions to get the prog run later!.

Worry saps up lots of emotional and even physical strength from us!. Substitute worry with positive thinking !. It takes time but you need to fight it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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