Anyone with Borderline Personailty Disorder?!

Question: Anyone with Borderline Personailty Disorder!?
Is there anyone diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder!? How did you suspect you had it!? How are you treating it!? I think I may have it!. I've known something was wrong with me for almost a year, and I just saw something about BPD and have been researching it thoroughly!. I think it's finally what I've been looking for, and just reading about it makes me feel so much better because I know I'm not imagining all these things!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

my ex whom i was dating for 3 months only suspected that i have some kinda problem!.!. i had an idea but than i was relating it to PMS in the beginning!.!. later when i started visiting my shrink it was clear that i do have BPD!.!.!. i dont visit my doc anymore but at least i know the root cause and how i need to handle myself!.!. doc only told me in the beginning that i am a cluster B personality!.!. Than i read about the various types of it and i told my doc that i think i have BPD!.!. after some more sessions he was also sure and started treating me for the same!.!. i would suggest you to read "Sometimes I Act Crazy - Living with BPD" to get more awareness about the disorder and the therapies!.!.

take care!.!.


i have only recently been dignosed with BPD!.
The doctor at the hospital preliminary diagnosed me with Adjustment Personality Disorder!.
On the 24th of February I went and saw her family GP of 20 years
I told him the things she remembers and what has being going on inside her!. Constant blackouts, not knowing how she got to certain places, seeing other people talking to her that aren

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