What to expect...?!

Question: What to expect!.!.!.!?
I'm having an initial consultation WITH MY FAMILY tomorrow to see a psychologist for the fist time!. What should I expect!? What do they do and stuff!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

The 1st visit to a psychologist is mostly filling out forms, answering questions, participating in an exam to test your memory and your awareness of the world around you!.

Going with your parents is good!. Chances are, they will be there in the room for 2/3 of the time!. The other 1/3 it will be just you and the Dr!. This will be your chance to speak for yourself, whether it be questions or explaining!.

I suggest you use a 3X5 card to write brief concerns on one side, and your questions on the back side!. Take it with you, you'll feel less nervous, and it will help you to remember what you wanted to say!.

An initial consultation is a brief assessment of your issues, an interview with you and with your parents!. Concerns will have an opportunity to be expressed from all!. In that time period the Dr will attempt to understand the basic facts of your symptoms, to consider how you might best be treated, and to say how long treatment might take!. You will also be recommended toward a person with expertise in the area of your particular issues!.

It can be very helpful to have a notebook to take notes, too!.

I encourage you to do this for yourself!. It can make a big and lasting difference in your life!. It can be good!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

If its your first time the Psych!. will just be asking questions to get a general idea of what is going on!. He/She can't give too much advice since he/she doesn't really know that much about you and your family!. The Psych!. will most likely ask the how!? what!? when!? type of questions such as when did the behaviors start!? Are there any type of abuse going on!? Most people that are cutting have experience some form of abuse!. You seem to have a lot that your going through and so I'm glad that you are seeking help!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

expect anoying questions that are practicly repeated!.!.!.and strange looksWww@Answer-Health@Com

ask a lot of question to get to the fact why you are there and how to help youWww@Answer-Health@Com

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