What is wrong with me? Am I obsessive compulsive or is there another personality!

Question: What is wrong with me!? Am I obsessive compulsive or is there another personality disorder here!?
When I'm at work, when my boss leaves and no one else is around, I organize everything!. I put everything up and stack all the papers and put everything in order!. I do the same thing with my stuff at school!. Also I don't like to touch things that are sticky or things like that!. Basically, I don't like to get things on my hands!. I'm social phobic and have major depressive disorder!.!.!.But I think I may have OCD or something!.!.I tend to avoid social situations, I feel like people are always staring at me and talking about me!. I'm really hard on myself and usually set really high standards for myself!. I tend to take everything personally and I over analyze things!. What is wrong with me!? if you need any more details let me know!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I would talk to your doctor about these symptoms!. You say that when your boss leaves you start cleaning and organizing- this makes me think that you do not have obsessive compulsive disorder!. People with obsessive compulsive disorder cannot control their obsessive thoughts or urges, whether the boss is around or not!. The thought of cleaning or organizing something will enter their mind, and they will obsess over it, causing anxiety, panic, and fear, until it is resolved!.

Since you are able to control yourself and wait until your boss leaves or no one else is around, you most likely do not have OCD!. People with OCD cannot and will not wait until no one is around to "fix" something that isn't right!. To wait for everyone to leave would cause extreme anxiety and panic, which cannot be allowed to happen!.Www@Answer-Health@Com


You're a perfectionist!. They're not the same things, as some people would think!.

You have social phobia and some depressive thing but that has nothing to do with organizing stuff on your desk!.

You like your hands clean and most people do and want to know where to find your pen and sticky notes!.

People try to find symptoms of OCD by blowing the smallest habit out of proportion and seriously, what's the point!.

So basically, No, you do not have OCD!.

Much Love

If you will treat your depression, you will find a lot of your behavioral problems will dissipate!. It sounds as though you may also suffer form anxiety!. Address those issues then see if you still feel OCD!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You could also have anti social disorder!. Or extreme anxiety!. If you were abused you could have post traumatic stress syndrome!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i am sure u were sometime introvert!.!.!.!. u have to spend extra time or breaks with friends try not to be a lone at all!.!.
its not a problem the thing u have but this will bothers u sometime!.!.!. it might bothers others!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You sound normal!. They just have a name for everything now days!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You sound pretty normal to me!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

OCD, ha & its okay!. don't be ashamed!.
or worried, alot of people have it worst!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well it really depends on how severe it is!.

I don't like to touch sticky stuff either!.!.!. I mean NASSSTY what is it!? Sticky could be anything!.

Not liking to go to social gatherings may just be you are an introvert and would rather have 1 or 2 people around you rather than large groups!.

I don't like to get things on my hands either!. Gas pumps, who knows somebody could have just picked their butt and pumped gas before you pumped!. I keep hand sanitizer in my van!.

Nothing wrong with watching out for germs!.

Organization all depends, if you are an absolute FREAK about it, then perhaps it can be OCD!. If you generally don't like clutter and choose to be neat, more power to you!.

If you get anxiety for anything, I would try taking a few St!. John's Wort herbal pills for a while!. Those help with Saratonin levels in your brain and can calm that stuff down!.

I would never suggest commercial medicine unless you are in DIRE need!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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