Are there any other alternatives to self harm?!

Question: Are there any other alternatives to self harm!?
Other than holding ice cubes, punching a pillow or flicking an elastic band (I got badly addicted to that and my wrist was swollen and red!.!.!.)

So yeah, any other alternatives!? :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

I make blankets!. Do you know how to knit or something like that!? That would keep your hands busy for awhile until the urge passes!. Or you could play the 15 minute game!. Tell yourself that in 15 mins you can harm, then go another 15 mins and so on!. See how long you can go!. There are some tips on how to stay safe on the WebMD self harm message board!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

As you have discovered, finding an alternative is only ever a temporary solution!. I think you need to find a counsellor or psychotherapist who will be able to work with you to find out what makes you self-harm!. For example, what is happening immediately prior to wanting to self- harm, what is going on emotionally for you!. I think finding out why you do it and what meaning it has for you, will lead to you finding a permanent solution to this!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You could try writing your feelings down on paper and then tearing up the paper, or try drawing a picture of what ever it is that is making you want to self harm!. You could try talking to someone about how you feel when you feel like self harming!. You could go for a run or a walk when you feel like self harming, or try going for a shower, reading a book!., watching tv, just destract yourself!.

Good Luck, AnywaysWww@Answer-Health@Com

squeeze ice cubes
push a finger into a tub of ice cream
put an elastic band around your wrist and snap it when you feel like s/i
get a red marker pen and drawn on your arms and legs
speak to your GP meds might help!.
request your GP referre you to the local mental health team
good luckWww@Answer-Health@Com

i play music and draw!.
because rubber bands dont work that well for me
and ice cubes dont do anything
its just sort of annoying

so i play music
its all about distracting yourself
pick up a new hobby that you've never tried before
even video games
just distractions
keep busy
and you wont be thinking about SHWww@Answer-Health@Com

Speak to any one you trust about why your self harming, if you have a problem or a reason why you're doing it and can resolve it you should!.
There are many people that can help you!. Friends or family!. If not then a psychiatrist!.
I know someone who used to self harm a lot and got some help (saw some shrinks after having told his parents) and it helped him massively!.


http://www!.nshn!.co!.uk is the National Self Harm Network (UK)!.
has many suggestions!.
What about writing!? Like writing what`s going on inside your head / poetry / creative writing!.
Or exercise; it boosts endorphins so will make you feel better generally and if it`s quite aerobic exercise (running, kickboxing, climbing) you`ll get that *rush* but a healthy alternative!.
Hope this helps :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

Honestly, the person who can give you the best advice is a doctor, not someone on YA!. There are lots of alternatives, they take practice and effort - and they mean you have to face whatever deep dark secret you're trying to forget!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

When you find the urge to cut, immediately call your best friend or talk to someone!. Change the subject and get your mind off of it!. I am glad that you are trying to stop :]Www@Answer-Health@Com

hey have you tryed writing!. when i have the urge to cut i write!. i also do the rubber band thing to!. or i text one of my friends to take my mind off of it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

um, sure, making the CHOICE not to self harm!!! going to the doctor and telling someone about your desire for attention and possible depressionWww@Answer-Health@Com

Do something productive!.
Whenever you get the urge, go clean something!
Even if nothing needs to be clean

Seriously, who wants to walk around with ugly scars on their arms!? =]]Www@Answer-Health@Com

have you tried a tens machine as this releases natural endorphins similar to those released when harmedWww@Answer-Health@Com

see a psychiatrist, get the doctor to refer you

xxx viciWww@Answer-Health@Com

Have you tried harming others!? That can be fun!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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