Personal question but need help!?!

Question: Personal question but need help!!?
I cant figure this out by myself :o(!.!.!.!.I have this great oppurtunity to dance in a ballet company in new york !.!.!.but why am I so hesitant to take it!.!.its almost like I dont really want to go but I feel that if I dont go I will be giving up!.!.!.My options this summer are to either take that offer or go to an eating disorder recover program!.!.!.what would you pick!.!.(I may not have another chance to get a ballet offer like this)Www@Answer-Health@Com

I come from a family of dancers!. (i personally got kicked out at the age of 4 cause i kept whistling and playing in the chalk box!.!.!.!.squashing all the crystals!.!.!.geez i loved doing that!!! I HATED ballet and couldnt do the polka to save my life! I even tried to jump out of a moving car on the way to lessons!.!.!. ha ha!.!.!.my teacher!.!.(tanya pearson) was tearing her hair out weekly!!.!.!.!.!.its was my stepmums passion,(but she tore her achiles and tried to make it mine!
I liked tonka trucks and playing with cars!.!.!.My stepmums sister (we used to go on school excursions to the opera house ballets, she was always the lead dancer!.) She was accepted in the royal london ballet academy!.!.!. She was brilliant!. The top of her field in australia, but when she went to London!.!.!.all by herself, she was no longer the little princess, spoilt child!.!.!.!. all of a sudden she was at the bottom of the ladder with some FIERCE biitchy, competition!.!.!.!. Being used to always winning, she chucked a major tanty and came home!.!.!.(i think she still feels embarrassed over this!.) Her parents were broke, but took out a loan to send her there!. Her mum used to hand make all her tutus & costumes!. A lot of time (16yrs) and effort was put into this girl!. She was so self centred and spoilt, she could do no wrong in her parents eyes!.!.!.!.!.She probably feels let them and herself down, but i doubt it!.!. Shed just be feeling emabarrassed that people are laughing at her failure!.!.her way to get over it is put fat people down- (or anyone else for that matter) and be a food/ health nazi) !. Its STILL all about her though!.!.!.!.!.shes now married with 3 boys and a girl (under 6yrs) & does physical culture instead!.!.!.!. Id imagine secretly she is dealing with some serious issues & 'what ifs'!.!.!.!.!.(she still at 38yrs has an eating disorder!.!. I think)!.!.!.!. shes very fit, but too skinny!.(she a size 8-10, but still too skinny!.5 foot 9!.!.!.!.prob 50kg!. Not one bit of fat ANYWHERE!. Just bone, sinew, muscle!.!.Her 8 month baby belly looks like half my normal one!.!.(nicole kidman would look overweight to her) She hates fat people and is the first to comment on some poor sucker walking by 'oh look at that fat lady eating mcdonalds!!! I bet she wonders why shes overweight!!! (she has one of those dog whistle voices!.(like my stepmum-(her sister) they are shocking together!!!!. you know- everyone in half mile radius can hear) Im sure the fat lady felt good hearing that!!.!.!.Shes passed it on to her children!.!.!. Have you EVER met anyone who feeds a baby brussel sprouts!? (they LOVE their vegees) Her kids are so healthy!.!.!. they are constantly sick!!! Shes so anall with vegees & fruit its a joke!.!. Party lolly bags are immediately siezed and handed out one lolly a day at a time!? if at all!.!.!. I think this is her way of dealing with her failure!. By pumping out kids, focusing on every calorie that goes into her and her familys bodies!.!.!.!.(her husband is a very patient & understanding man)
Maybe the thousands of other dancers out there who WOULD KILL FOR THIS OPPORTUNITY!.!.!.would like to input some!? !. Its not so big a deal!. Go, give it a try, if you dont like it, you can come home!. bUT if you dont, chances are youll be thinking a bout 'what ifs' for the rest of your life!. Im sure the bulimia will worsen!.!.!. to anorexia, youll get depression and !.!.!. oh, well theres thousands of negative things your brain will start to suggest!.
I think you may just be scared silly! Big city, new people, if your lucky youll find some friends, competitiveness, biitchiness, Total lifestyle change! No comfort zones anymore!.!.!. I dont blame you, i wouldnt!.!.!.!.!.i dont like change!. But am also not passionate about much (only animals) !. Im not a dancer with expectations and dreams to fulfil!. You are!.
I guess you need to ask HOW IMPORTANT is dancing to you!? Are you willing to try and MAYBE fail!.!.!.to be away from loved ones, to live and be with other girls just like you!? Put up with all the emotional, physical and mental stress!? Will you resent yourself for not taking the chance for the next 65 years!?
and yes, you probably wont get another chance!.!.!.!.!
REMEMBER!.!.!.!.!.!.YOU CAN COME HOME THE NEXT DAY IF YOU WANT- If you know what to expect, it wont be as hard on you when it happens!.!.!.however IF you do go, you need to SERIOUSLY nip this eating disorder, or at least get some brains about it!. I think if you let it!.!.!.it will get worse when you're there!.!.!.!.Dont let it!. It will be the end of you!.!.!.
Id give it a shot if i were you!. But what would I know!? Im not a ballerina! im a tonka truckin, matchbox car, rum drinking, ballet hating aussie!.!.!.!.lol :)
Good luck!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

TAKE the BALLET JOB! OMG you can get help in NY when you get there, while you aren't dancing!. You CAN have both!. You are probably hesitant to take it because it does seem daunting, and you are experiencing your eating disorder problem!.!. but trust me, if you are going to the city (NYC) There will be TONS of help available that will also let you dance!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Do the ballet!. They will help you with your problem!. You are obviously good at ballet or they would'nt offer you this fantastic chance!. Go, and enjoy!. The best of luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

dance in the ballet, once in a life time opportunity,maybe that will help your eating disorder at the same time!.!.!. its a tough decision thoughWww@Answer-Health@Com

i say dance in the ballet, you might never get this chance again and maybe someone their is going through the same as you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i think your health is more importantWww@Answer-Health@Com

There should be no question!.!.!.your health is more important than a job!.!.!.if thats what you are saying!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

do what your mind saysWww@Answer-Health@Com

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