How do you get into a mental institution?!

Question: How do you get into a mental institution!?
I was just wondering, what would you have to do or how bad would you have to be to put into a mental health hospital!?

Also, what are the patients like!? How do they behave!?

Any stories or anything else on the subject!?


Well, being that I work in a mental instituion, maybe I can help!. (Actually, I work at a housing facility that serves mentally ill patients)!.

To answer your question!.!.!.!.you can VOLUNTARLY admit yourself!. There is such a thing, people do it!. In terms of how "Bad" you would have to get!.!.!.!.!.its really not that simple!. Basically, your behaviors, habits, previous addictions, previous or current suicidal attemepts or ideations, "erratic" behaviors, symptoms, etc!.!.!.!.will generally lead you right on to a locked unit at your local Mental Health facility!. At some point, depending on how a situation can worsen (symptom-wise)!.!.!.!.you will or would be admitted for what is called a "72 hour old!." Basically, this means that your local crisis center or mental health facility takes you in after a recent episode of!.!.!.mental or physical instability!. You will get an assessment complete by either a Psychologist or Therapist to determine if you are mentally competent!. If you are mentally incompetent that usually leads to a court committment and you would be getting assigned community and state team members as your supports!.

What are the patients like!? Well, the simple answer is !.!.!.!.they are generally disturbed!. It depends what they have and/or the symptoms they are displaying!. The behaviors vary: I've seen a women try and hang herself with her bedsheet, I've seen patients paraniod about the drugs they are taking, I've seen agressive (verbally and physically) patients, patients who have compulsions and engage in repetitive acts, I've seen people at their most manic and people at their most depressed!. For the schizophrenics, you have those that are paraniod by any eye contact, you see them laughing to themselves, they hear voices that don't exist, they are basically in "another world!." Its not a bad thing, they just need help!. I've seen patients go to great lengths to find their "fix" for alcohol or drug of choice!. It all varies!.

I couldn't possibly fit all my stories in this answer bar, but believe me!.!.!.!.there are plenty!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Just stop talking!. Instead of communicating with words, use eerie stares and violence!. That will get you put into an institution in no time!
On a more serious note, people get put into institutions for all sorts of reasons!. Sometime for the safety of others!. Sometimes for the safety of themselves!. It is even possible to go into an institution voluntarily if you feel that something is wrong with you, but there is no guarantee that the government will pay for your stay!.
Often people in institutions behave quite normally and you could go and talk to them and have no idea why they are there!. Other times people are violent and behave erratically!. Sometimes people are quiet and non-communicative!.
As far as stories, I had an aunt who was a bit "off" for all of her life!. She finally had a violent episode and was put into an institution where she died about a year later!. I'm convinced that she went crazy due to loneliness!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

If you try to hurt yourself or someone else you can be admitted!. You can also be admitted voluntarily or by your parents!. The people that are in there, are not in there longer than a month usually!. The institutions of the old don't exist anymore!. You can have generalized anxiety and be in the hospital!. Insurance does not like to pay for your stay so hospitals do their best to get you treated and sent on your way!. Two weeks is a common time stay!. People with very sever disorders like psychotic schizophrenia usually live in a half way, 3/4 way house, or even on their own!. They partici[ate in day programs which is considered outpatient!. People who are in there seem as normal as you and I or anyone else!. Movies make this seem much worse!. THey used to give meds back in the day that cause tardive dyskenisa which causes grimacing of the face, tongue hanging out, etc!. to schizophrenia that ade the patient look worse than they were!. If you have ever been to an old folks home on an alzheimers ward, this is much worse than in-patient in a mental hospital!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I have been in lots and 99% of the people there were in for suicide attempts!.

I was in one that had the violent patients and thank god they were sectioned off away from the rest of us, but we ate meals together in the same cafeteria!. Some of them were cool most of the time but then they would just flip out!. One guy had a swastika tattoo on his neck!. They had these beds with fourpoint restraints that strapped down your arms and legs and they would put them in there when they were violent!.

It isn't like straight jackets and 4 point restraints for most people!. It is just a bunch of nice people with some problems they had to work out!.

Modern mental hospitals are used for the purpose of keeping you safe and getting your medications adjusted until you are stable enough to leave!. Doctor would rather do as much as they can for you on the outside, unless you are a danger to yourself or others!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Okay, Ive never been in one however my girlfriend has, she said that it was terrible and the one that she stayed at Lewis-Gale Mental Institution in Roanoke,Va and they treat the patients terrible, and sometimes do not feed them!.!.!.

Anyways, Just walk in and tell them you want to be institutionalized and they will give you forms to fill out!.

edit:dolliface, ur a bit of a stereotype aren't you "how do you think they act their in a mental institution" some people don't deserve to be there, my girlfriend shouldn't have been she was fine she threatend to kill some girl in 6th grade when no on thought anything about it, she was fine going in but was really mest up coming out, so they don't always help!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I started to attempt to slit my wrist!.!. and drew a knife on my boyfriend, after going off on a room of my friends
the people in the hospital aren't all bad!.!.!. in fact, some of the friendliest people (we're all doped up on drugs) you will meet
Most seem to be bipolar and so it's pretty interesting!.

I was there for exactly a week, we had excercise therapy, group therapy and a lot of other types of therapy but the best was just sitting around talking to other patients

When I went in, I was alone going in in an ambulance (it was either that or a police car!.!.!. I had the cops called on my by at least 5 people!. I kept giving them my parents address when they made me give one but I said I had no home (I was too embarrassed to call my parents and I was living with my boyfriend!.!.!. I was devastated when I had to wait for 6 hours in the waiting room, I almost hung myself with the romote (it was on a wire) I went to try to use a phone but couldn't get my cell (I wanted to beg him to forgive me he was doing the same) and tried to escape (it gave me not only suicide watch ((reason I was in there in the first place)) but also elopement) I gave in and they let me use the phone
I finally went to sleep knowing that he forgave me and we were cool and wokeup in the ER in a small white room
waited for near 6 more hours before they finally put me in the mental part (I signed myself in!.!.!. better to be admitted than committed)Www@Answer-Health@Com

one of my moms friends went into a mental hospital!.!.!. she really wasnt too bad!. Her son had died a few months ago and she wasnt handling it well!. She quit her job!. She was sleeping around!. She was very tempermental!.

If you want to read about people going into a mental hospital read Catcher in the Rye!. Its about this boy who is in a mental hospital and how he got there!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

depends on which one u go to, i was only in one theres people with all different problems!.

some people are in there for threats even if they have no problems
drug addicts
bi polar
anger managment

but the one i was in was fine, funny people some laughs their just normal people with some issues

i wasnt in a violent one though they send those people someplace elseWww@Answer-Health@Com

If you are a threat to yourself or others, you would be placed in a behavorial ward!. The patients are normal people with sucidal thoughts, drug habits, traumatic events such as the loss of a child, depression!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

ummm all you have to do is pretty much threaten to kill yourself and your in and how do u think the ppl act they are in a mental institution durrr!.!.!.!. i had a chick threaten me with a plastic spoon in a mental institution onceWww@Answer-Health@Com

Michael Myers from Haloween or some are violent
some are just weired very talkative

to be placed in one be psycopathic dangerious to yourself or others!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

career college!.com or medical schoolWww@Answer-Health@Com

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