Do you know the facts about reefer?!

Question: Do you know the facts about reefer!?
1!.reefer is 200 times more addictive than herion, meth, and crack combined!.
2!. there were 3190 deaths last year because of reefer related shootings!.
3!. the reason you know people who seem weird or strange(maybe even your weird or strange) is because their parents smoke reefer when they were younger!.
4!.97% of people who try reefer one time end up addicted!.
5!. 100% of reefer addicts had a first time trying the drug!.
6!. all reefer is actually grown by terrorist and that is where they get all of their evil funding!.
*i have seen a lot of lies on here and just wanted to clear up any misconceptionsWww@Answer-Health@Com

!.!.!.!.!. interestingWww@Answer-Health@Com

You certainly have an interesting version of the truth that isn't backed up by any studies or reliable sources!.
The US government doesn't even agree with your insanely exagerated sensational claims!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i agree with john because meth and heroin are far more addictive than "reefer"!. oh yea!.!.!.statistics can be made to say anything!. thats why they are used!. "90% of all statistics can be made to say anything!.!.!.!.50% of the time"!. just like our government saying we aren't in a recession because the prices of things are going down!.!.!.when in actuality it is the price of those things (cars and computers) decreasing because they are losing value!. like a car in 2007 that was made that year!.!.!.dropping in price when the 2008 versions come out!. Statistics aren't a very good way to do anything!.!.!.!.those stats are given to us to give the perception they want us to have!.

go watch "intervention"!. not once have i seen someone on it for "reefer"!. but heroin and meth absolutely and its the most common thing on there because they are by far the hardest to quit making them the most addictive!.

and people who try it once are addicted!? haha not true at all dude!. I know someone who smoked for like!.!.probably 20 years, and quit like it was nothing!. and its very common to hear this story!. people who smoke just once, may or may not smoke ever again!. its not addictive on a physiological dependency but possibly "mentally" !.!.!. the other drugs are physical addictions, where the person is physically sick if they try to stop doing them and need to do them to not be sick!. people die from withdrawals from heroin!. you never, in your life will hear the same for "reefer"

"100% of reefer addicts had a first time trying the drug"!.-what!? obviously people who smoke "reefer'' whether or not they are "addicts" had a first time trying it!. this one doesn't even make sense!.

and as for "all reefer is actually grown by terrorist and that is where they get all of their evil funding!."-search Goldman v US!. two large growing operation's of people growing in the US in backyards and houses!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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