I feel horrible all the time.?!

Question: I feel horrible all the time!.!?
I have no friends!. I haven't had any in a long time because I live in a small town and I'm really weird!. My family's mad at me over something stupid that I said!. People pick on me all the time!. My chances at leaving to go to a better school the year after next are hanging by a thread that will break if I do anything else stupid all because of some jerks that have it in for me!. And whenever I say anything about what's bothering me people get mad at me and start yelling about how I don't appreciate all they do for me or something like that!. My life feels like Hell!. For over a year I've just been wishing for a best friend that cares about me and likes the same things I do!. No one ever comes!.

What do I do!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

hang in there, leave as soon as possible!. are the jerks going to do something physically to harm you!? be careful and dont give up on your dreams!. You can get out of there all you have to do is come up with a plan!. contact someone and try and get a job somewhere else so that you can move regardless of school!. Good luck, and youll get a friend you just have to be in the right place and read and watch the secret, it helped me!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well what do you like to do and how old are i talk to many people that feel like you do I would like to talk to you too!. I'm not anything weird I just want to help out people if they want help or just someone to talk toWww@Answer-Health@Com

give it time i know it fells like forever and that every one is mad at u i know how it fells it took me 2 years to find a good friendWww@Answer-Health@Com

join face book sounds a bit stupid but give it a goWww@Answer-Health@Com

well you know here at this yahoo answers site we do all we can to help other people!.!. at least I do!.!.!.
you need to find a pen pal!.!.!. you can have as many friends as you like on here!.!. also can you sign up for a myspace page!.!.!. you can start by adding friends!.!.!. good people that do not threaten or say mean things to you!.!.!. it always helps to have friends!.!. everyone needs someone to talk to !. I know I do!.!. email me if you like!.!. sign up for myspace!.!. use a name that none of hte people who say or do mean things to you can find your page!.!. make sure you set it so no one can message mean things to you !.!. you have to approve your messages!.!.!. that way its safe for you!.!.!. make some new friends!. start with a good attitude!. things will get better for you!.!. take care!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

my very best advice to you is to talk to a counselor about your problems!. If you are in highschool there is always a lot of pressure!. If you are in college, tv doesn't depict how difficult college can be!. But in both cases, they both provide help!. If they don't, then its ok, go to a professional or a trusted teacher!.
What would help you a lot is group therapy!. trust me!. and when you go, stick with it for a few attempts before quiting because you will not get the real feel for it!. You will meet people who relate to you, or sometimes have worse situations!. Share your feelings and cope with others!. But don't go to group to make friends!.
Finding a true friend is hard!. You can have many friends but its not the quantity that counts!.

Also, I don't suggest doing penpal!. Make friends at school!. Writing is too ambigious and seeing someone eye to eye is more forfilling!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

if you can drive go to neighboring towns or something and try to make friends!. but you could always trie getting a pen pal!. maybe if you can just vent through email or letters it will help because somebody is listening and sympathizing, but it will never be like having an actual person there!. I know it is not the best answer but i hope it helped!. things will eventually get better because they dont sound like they could get much worse!. sorry that might not be a good thing to say but if you look at it that way it may not seem so badWww@Answer-Health@Com

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