Anything other than drugs and therapy?!

Question: Anything other than drugs and therapy!?
Reading some of the already posted questions, I see that many people are or have gone thru what I'm feeling now, and that's comforting to know that I'm not alone!. Well, for starters, I kno I have a prob, o!.k!., but to my family I am a normal, HAPPY, intelligent, responsible 20yr old (i play my role well), but alone, I feel as tho my spirit is trying to scratch free from my body!. The frustration, the anxiety, the listlessness, the lonelyness, the tears noone knows about!.!.!. pot helps, sex does too, mostly pot seeing as tho I dont kno many people b/c of my constant moving!. I'm out of school b/c i cant pay for now, so im working!.
Ive been feeling this way for almost as long as i can remember, but lately it's been getting worse, like noises so loud i need to cover my ears and close my eyes super tight!.
Not always of course, other times, i'm eccstatic, witty, and outgoing!.
So my question is: Can I get past this without letting my family know, w/o therapy(no money for it neway)!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

#1 keep up the pot, its better than any anti-depressant!. Here's the thing!.
We all have destiny!. When were on the path to fufilling that destiny, all is good!. The times we're NOT going down the path that leads to our destiny, life keeps smacking you down!. Its your spirit guides trying to inluence you!. Telling you to seek change!. DIRECTION!. You think youve been a bad girl, lying about the pot and smoking chronicly!. Spending all your money on it!. Not true!. It frees you mind from trivial bullshit so you can be uninhibitantly creative!. If your parents see you happy and driven and making a life on your own they will say nothing about the weed cause its not keeping you back!. They you see being held back, and they blame the pot!. [{To freak em out} once you get going on your new life, tell them its cause you just STARTED SMOKING POT!] haha

Heres my advice!. See a psycic!. Yes a future teller!. Pick one who's been in business along time!. lynrene@sympatico!.ca Ask for rene!. He's truly gifted!. They can see your path!. They see what your future is supposed to be, and tell you!. Its mind blowing how they can be so accurate!.
Once your moving in the right direction, towards your destiny,everything changes!. Everything falls into place like its been blessed from above!. "Charmed life" is what I call it now!.
Youre a writer!. You said so yourself!. So write!. Write incredible stories!. Work every day!. Call it your job and do it!. Once you learn how to collect money from the things you write, eg selling atricles to news papers and magazines, Google "how to make money as awriter" Write your books and push your stories!. Put them where people can read them!. BE A WRITER!!!! You have wordpad!? Start a book!. Research something and write a paper on it!. Writing everday and challenging yourself and your skills wil inspire you!. It will motivate you!. Like you just got your dream job!. Your a writer!. Just start telling people your a writer, and write saleable(profitable works) until you finish your novel!. Do it, believe in yourself!. Besides when you say your a writer, nobody knows really what you do!. One thing for sure is you can always take a break at 4:20! Hahaha Its your life, take control! If its a writer you are :be a writer!. Do everything they do!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

exercise helps sometimes, or maybe dance or some sort of art!. Find something that you love and it will be therapy for you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You can talk to other people you trust; it is always good to have a support group!. Meditation and prayer help significantly!. Read a book, exercise, just don't watch TV all day!. : )Www@Answer-Health@Com

getting out and doing stuff, anything, even if you dont feel like it will help!. also, 30 min of exercising is like taking an anti-depressant!. look into what you are eating as well!.!.!. are you getting all the nutrition you need!? are you eating too much 'junk'!.!.!. your daily diet is important especially the older you get!.
and stay away from miserable people, remember misery loves company and itll bring you down fast!.
good luck to you!.!.!. everything is going to work out for you!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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