Is it normal to feel deppressed when you don't get enough sleep?!

Question: yes sleep helps you alot...........sleep tight

Answers: yes sleep helps you alot...........sleep tight

yes, sleep is ultra important
maybe one gets depressed b/c he or she is having difficulty
falling asleep-insomnia

Yes, that's normal, if you feel better after getting the sleep you need.


Yes. Sleep deficiency can be very stressful.

Ahhh...sleep. That one part of your life that is so important. Yes you can feel very depressed if you don't get enough sleep. Sleep is the time your body cleanses itself from all the junk it was exposed to during the waking hours. The lack of sleep can also affect your sex life. A study was recently done on fruit flies. The professor intentionally deprived one fly of sleep. This fly had no interest in the other sex, but the one fly that got enough sleep was going and going and going. One session lasted 15 minutes. So get some sleep. See you doctor and tell him/her everything. This important.

Yes you might often feel cranky then you get sleep and feel more cheerful and bright like more awake

Oh my gosh, Yes! I always try to get enough sleep before an important day.... and I always am very careful not to make important decisions or to let my emotions take over when I am tired (or lacking sleep). It can cause depression and make one feel more emotional than usual.

Always try to get enough sleep. Life is too short to be cranky or to feel "down" all the time! :)

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