I think there might be a evil spirit that won't leave my husband alone.How d!

Question: My husband is always talking about something touching him in bed at night.He hears noises and see's animals climbing on the bed.He feels the bed shake,but I never see or feel any of these things.I no about out of body experiences,but it doesn't fit everything happening to him.Yes he has talk to a doctor and counslor about it and they just want to give him sleeping meds.Where do I get the things I need to bless my home.Like sage and other things I need?

Answers: My husband is always talking about something touching him in bed at night.He hears noises and see's animals climbing on the bed.He feels the bed shake,but I never see or feel any of these things.I no about out of body experiences,but it doesn't fit everything happening to him.Yes he has talk to a doctor and counslor about it and they just want to give him sleeping meds.Where do I get the things I need to bless my home.Like sage and other things I need?

I agree with the others that it appears to be a sleep or neurological problem. I suggest getting a referral to a sleep clinic as they can test him and can actually see what's going on and if it shows that there are neurological changes during the sleep test, they can refer him to a neurologist. If there are "evil" spirits in your home, there would be other occurrences happening and I believe they are unrelated to your husband's sleeping problems.

Are there other things going on in your home that may cause you to believe there is spirit activity in your home, or just your husband's experiences. Do you, any pets, or children have any strange experiences or see anything? Are there noises that can't be accounted for?

If so, a simple house blessing in itself isn't enough. As a 1st degree practicing witch in training for 2nd degree, I can tell you that your home must be cleansed of negative energy and a house blessing can be incorporated into it. . Contrary to popular belief, it can be accomplished effectively by a well-trained witch without sage or anything else, with the use of words and will.

Please get a referral for your husband to a sleep clinic.

If you still believe that your home is haunted, feel free to email me and I can tell you how I rid my home of ghosts that were causing issues and blessed my home.

Take Care!


God won't fix this for sure... get some medications for his hallucinations, don't try to be a wannabe witch . He is sick, face it.

Hi. This happens to me. Well you can kinda call it an evil spirit. Pray it will help. And maybe your husband is disy and has a headache

He should be evaluated by a psychiatrist. These could be symptoms of mental illness. The family doctor has limited knowledge about mental health issues, which is why they have only prescribed sleeping pills. A psychiatrist would be better qualified and would definitely be able to help him.

Good luck.

before you beatify your home. u need to think back how far hes been having this situation. did he do anything different like go to the dentist and put fillings or get a shot that he never ever gets. does he drink smoke or even sleep around. the focus should be on that for now if you feel if this anomally is not effecting you.medicines tend to sugarcoat many problems and sometimes make it worse. if you go to a healer to rid the spirit if there is one then they shouldnt charge that much like 40 dollars. anything more is bull dont let them screw u if they r bonafide they are with god and they wont give you some humdrum story to sequester more funds from you. well god bless for now

trying distracting him with your body or comfort him in another way

usually its just too much stress or his guilty past is catching up with him

Don't go jumping off the deep end.

There are sleep disorders that cause stuff like this. One possibility is hypnagogic hallucinations.


I'd start start checking around to see if there was anyone nearby that specializes in sleep disorders...

I've had some weird things happen that were in conjunction with sleep... They felt pretty weird and seemed very REAL but it was just my brain being in a different state from not being fully awake.

Of course you want to bless your house, and that's a positive thing. However, from what you're describing, he could be having a neurological disorder or beginnings of a mental illness (both of which can totally be taken care of with the right meds). Have your primary care physician do a full blood panel and get referred to a neurologist AND a psychiatrist, to find out what's going on. It does NOT sound like an evil spirit...just get him to the specialist. Regarding your home, if you have the Bible on cd, put it on continuous play (low enough to hear it, but not high enough to be distracting) and pray through your house. While you're at it, pray for your husband and the doctors' wisdom to find out how to best help him....You're doing the right thing by reaching out for help and advice. Illness is always daunting and scary. The worst thing is the "not knowing." Call your church prayer chain, too. You not only need the prayer support, but the emotional support your church family should bring.

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