If I am addicted to fast food...?!

Question: is it better to eat a healthy diet and splurge 1x a week on a fast food meal, or completely avoid it? I don't want a small spluge to turn into a bad cycle all over again.

I know it's very hard for a smoker or a drinker in recovery to have "just one." Is it the same for food?

Answers: is it better to eat a healthy diet and splurge 1x a week on a fast food meal, or completely avoid it? I don't want a small spluge to turn into a bad cycle all over again.

I know it's very hard for a smoker or a drinker in recovery to have "just one." Is it the same for food?

Not a splurge but a binge is bad.. one fast food isn't going to throw you off unless you let it. When you eat healthier the fast food makes you sick to your stomach anyways. Its better for you to try and find out its not good tasting anymore then to crave it.

You can try cutting down little by little and over a couple months you wont need fast food....or.....you can go to your favorite place spend $30 on food chug it down go home and throw it all up - that won't make you want to eat fast food for a couple months

Smoking and drinking are somewhat different situations. In those situations, you are taking substances that your body has allergic reactions to, and forcing your body to accept them (the same idea can be used for foods, nine times out of ten if you have a food in your day that you "cant do without"...its a very good chance you are allergic to it and should avoid that specific food).

But eating is very natural. So to try to avoid bad food altogether is just a recipe for disaster. If you do it naturally, but focused...work on taking four out of seven days eating well...then lengthen it out to five...then six. With a one day splurge...then over time a one meal splurge.

What will happen will be gradual...but instead of overhauling your diet (trust me this never works...and is a recipe for disaster)...you will allow your body to gradually kick out all the toxins over time. Eventually you wont WANT to eat bad food...the smell of it will make you sick. I know, weird to even think that way huh?

If you do everything all at once, all you will do is romance the foods you cant have because of withdrawl like symptoms. Food does have a drug like effect...especially when you have eaten bad food for so long that your insulin is out of whack.

Just do it slowly, over time. Dont think in the short term "I gotta lose weight now" think in the long term "what can I do to be healthier and stay that way"....the best way is not to crash your diet. Let the bad habits fade away.

But stay focused on your plan...and set timelines. Or else you will go right back to what you were doing.

Most fast foods are not healthy.

BUT there are fast food salids
that are more healthy for you.

consuming on a daily basis large amount of fast food ,
is a addiction by it self , like any other addiction - be it drugs or alcohol - or any other of those neurotic behaviors -
some one told me that the fast amount of fat + sugar , in the fast food , -- is what makes your body craving for more + more,.
so - better take control over your daily life + eat a well balanced meal every day ,. OK? thanks ,

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