Can not sleeping make you go crazy?!

Question: i cant sleep anymore i am 20yeers young

Answers: i cant sleep anymore i am 20yeers young

I don't know about making you crazy my friend... but it certainly makes you feel tired, weak, grumpy and bad tempered...why don't you try sleeping late? this way you ll be tired from all day long and yoy'll sleep more easily... that's what I do!

Sono italiano stronza, vai a dormire da quella puttana di tua sorella.

If you never sleep at all of course, your body will become weak and your mind won't be able focus

could happen to certain people

If I don't get any sleep, I become cranky as hell. Just ask my wife...

Yes. REM is what your brain uses to sort out all the memories and sensory input you collect during the day. Without sleep, your mind gets cluttered and you suffer what is the organic equivalent of a hard drive crash.

And your immune system would weaken, due to the fact that sleep is how you replenish your white blood cell count.

Your body needs sleep in order to survive. The first things that usually tells a psychiatrist if their patient is going psychotic is if they are sleeping well or not. I didn't sleep for three days one time and I went crazy, hope this helps. die after a few days of not sleeping at all.It is a need after all.

I think the record for not sleeping is 11 days?The guy started to forget what he was doing and he was having delusions and crap.

your an insomniac then. you need help, how the hell did you stop sleeping?

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