Tell me your experience of taking ADHD meds?!

Question: For anyone who has been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD and has taken meds for it, could you please tell me what you did and did not like about the medication you took (benefits and side effects) and also the name of the medication you took?

Please only respond if you actually have been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD by a doctor. Thanks!

Answers: For anyone who has been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD and has taken meds for it, could you please tell me what you did and did not like about the medication you took (benefits and side effects) and also the name of the medication you took?

Please only respond if you actually have been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD by a doctor. Thanks!

Hi. I'm 32 and after a long time of problems with ADHD, I was diagnosed 4 years ago.
I have taken Ritalin and Adderral and had problems with weight loss, and possibly a bit of hair loss. I also felt a bit jittery sometimes.
I currently take Wellbutrin which is a wonderful help and doesn't have the highs/lows of the other drugs. No side effects at all.
I tried almost everything before I chose to take medicine, but feel that I'm being helped a lot by it.
Good luck!

There are a number of good boards that deal with this issue. Google ADHD message boards for more information.

ADD meds turn off my creativeness. They turn off my energy. They turn off everything that makes me me. I acomplish nothing on my medication. And you know why I got put on add mecdicine? Beacuse some 90 year old should-have-retired teacher couldn't handle me

So..are you self diagnosing yourself and have an appt. with a doc and saying ya want this kind of med?

Well....I've taken 3 diff brands...
I'm 17, diagnosed in 2nd grade....
Back then I took ritalin till 6th grade and then went on to concerta..that stuff didn't work at all for me so I just kindda refused to take meds till 10th grade when I was really realizing I was screwing up. Since then (I'm in 11th) I've bene on adderall.

I'm not entirely sure why I stopped taking ritalin...developed bipolar disorder freshman year and anything before that now is really blury...but anyways.

Adderall is the best.
Ritalin and Adderall are in the top few meds that are very effective for ADD/ADHD....

How old are you? If you're a teen..definitely ask to start on a low 10mg. If it doesn't work for very long after a few weeks, then 20mg is the right dosage. It takes about 1-2 weeks for it to work 100%. Oh and Adderall XR (extended release lasts 9-12 hrs. Depending how old you are) is the stuff I take. Reg. Adderall is used for older people OR people with a mild case of it.

The only side effect most have is the weight loss one...concerta doesn't make you lose weight, but since I've taken that before...I can tell you its not worth it.

Since you are not diagnosed yet and are looking's one thing I want you to do, k? And you really have to do this before decided if you really need to go to the doc.
Go to the gas station or the store...get a can of either monster, rockstar(sugar free) or red bull. Drink the can in less than 30 minutes.....if you start to see your hyperness die down and become pretty concentrated, then congrats. You have ADHD. But if you get hyper, then sorry...but you just are overly hyper and just need to try harder.

The reason why I say this is because high amounts of caffeine make a person without ADD/ADHD hyper, right?
Yes. Cause its a stimulant.

BUT the funny thing is, stimulants make a person WITH either disorder calm and concentrated. Which means...the energy drink will prove you either have it or don't have it.

And if you do, go to the doc. Ask about adderall xr. I promise you won't have harsh side effects. It will last for a good 10 hours or more if you're a teen. If you're older, itd probably last 9 or 10 depending on your metabolism. (Since teens have higher metabolisms and whatnot it last longer for youth) will take a week or two for it to fully work. Start taking multivitamins...people with ADD/ADHD have deficeincies of iron and magnesium.

Motor functions mature at a very young age unlike 'normal' peoples do...I started talking at 5 months and fully able to walk at 6 months....12 months I was runnin around jabbering constantly...also, I don't know if other functions in the brain mature faster too and resulting in your whole body maturing faster...cause I sure went through all the phases fast. Wisdom teeth pulled a few weeks after my 16th bday..puberty at 11 (eh...I got made fun of for my height.haha)
But anyways.

Sorry for ranting.

Just do the energy drink test.
See what happens.

But overall, the adderall XR has helped me a lot. I've been taing it for a year this month. My grades are all A's life is in order..all that good stuffmy parents and family are proud of me for.

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