Have you ever felt so suicidal?!

Question: and why?..

Answers: and why?..

yea, I felt alone and I just couldnt believe things could change, felt afraid all the time , felt disconnected from people, couldnt sleep... just wanted to make all the crap shut up.

I felt really suicidal last year and eventually killed myself

Why are you all thumbing down my answer? I had a really bad anxiety condition that really messed me up!!!

yup i was last week coz i thought that my life was **** and no one like me at all but they didnt !!!!
why u askin

Yes. Because I suffer from a mood disorder.

Yes, right now because I feel so depressed and want to escape from everything.

yes. i broke up with my bf at uni (i stupidly took a gap yr just so we could go to uni together) and i felt so alone and scared of being alone, i was so far away from home. luckily my friends all turned up at my bedroom door with a beer and some chocolate and iv been fine ever since :) x

Only after last weeks session

when i saw this question.

Yeah...and I wasn't exactly sure why. I was just really sad inside and couldn't figure out why. The best way to feel better is to talk to someone about it and find help.

i have because i had constand anxiety 24/7 which didnt go away.all i could think was i dont want to be alive anymore but i had other people to think about.this went on for 3 months and eventually i was put on some meds and it helped.so here i am writing this happy to be here.it turned out the original meds they gave me was causing this and it took them that long to work it out.soooooo close though.

i did when i was in secondary school when being picked on was a part of everyday life, but now im in my 20s i can say life is pretty good



back in 8th grd. i had a lot of family prbs.

ya i am now i you might just be depressed bout something in your life the thing i do is think all the thing you will live behind and who you would hurt

every day - i suffer severe depression and get no joy from life so whats the point being here. It is existing not living

Frequently, currently diagnosed BPD, MDD, CPTSD. Suicidal thoughts have become part of my life!

yes i did, 3 times.. last year... it is a bit scary when i think about it now. i was seeing a therapist and i was soooo messed up and had nobody to talk to, felt so lonely... i am sure it happens to everyone but you should be strong and fight, everything cannot be perfect.

Yes, have tried several times, overdoses, and jumping off bridge. Depression.

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