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Question: is suicide the way i need to go?

Answers: is suicide the way i need to go?

well seeing as your 12 (;... )
you said so there ^^

and you selfharm, you need to find a way to deal with your pain.
killing yourself is not the way to go.
your 12, you have probably over 70 years to go, so make them the best. suicide is a longterm solution for a shortterm problem.

you need help go see dr phil

r u out of ur head...!!!

look there's nuthn in d world dat has suicide as n answr...

bliv me...

i hav seen a lot of tuf times...but wont it b betr 2 fight like a man rathr than living a cowardly death...

look god has given u a wonderful life...n i aint saying this 2 appease u cos it's very2 true...

and HE has provided u wid evrythng u need 2 face it...u cant run away...u vl have 2 give him n answer wen u reach him...!!!!

think abt it....
bad things happen...dark times seem too long..but they eventually go away...b gud 2 ppl around u in ur bad time..put on a smile...donate a coin 2 a beggar...put on a silent smile...u vl much is fror living not giving...!!! take care...

You are joking right.

no way man i did it belive me not worth it you end up hurting to many people i now see the error in my ways and yep lifes better sure some days are sh1t but thats life whatevers bugging sort it just hope your kidding

Suicide is never the answer and shouldn't be the way for you to go. Try getting some help and finding a psychiatrist to talk with. If you are already at that point and also on medications, maybe something is not working. I know, because I've been there myself. I've checked myself into hospitals. Maybe your doctor needs to help get you to a hospital, or you can check yourself in. Good Luck.

Definitely not.

Look at this webpage:

If you still feel suicidal, find a hotline near you from

If you STILL feel suicidal, go to your nearest emergency department.

No suicide is never the answer

FALSE. Why WOULD it be the right answer? FALSE.

No! It's not a solution. Try to find something fun to do. Think of good things. Try to get help.You don't know what's coming up after death. The only thing we know is that the death will come. Better struggle on trying to find another reason to live. There will always be people in the world who cares, but ther will also be a lot of people who will appreciate that you're still in life. Seek them up. Keep the courage! I know you can feel better soon. Greetings from Sweden!..??????

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