Does Wellbutirn normally cause people to talk in their sleep?!

Question: Ever since my friend has been taking Wellbutrin back in October, she's been having nightmares & arguing & fighting in her sleep. She has a sore on her finger from punching a water bottle. She was fighting her brother in her dream. She woke up & punched her water bottle, thinking it was her brother. I get worried because I spend the night by her house sometimes, & I'm afraid she might accidentally punch me if I try to wake her up to go to hewr doctor's appointment or something. It's very hard to wake her up in the morning. I know she doesn't mean any harm. I

Answers: Ever since my friend has been taking Wellbutrin back in October, she's been having nightmares & arguing & fighting in her sleep. She has a sore on her finger from punching a water bottle. She was fighting her brother in her dream. She woke up & punched her water bottle, thinking it was her brother. I get worried because I spend the night by her house sometimes, & I'm afraid she might accidentally punch me if I try to wake her up to go to hewr doctor's appointment or something. It's very hard to wake her up in the morning. I know she doesn't mean any harm. I

wellbutrin can DEFINITELY have a weird effect on some people. i know from firsthand experience. i took it last year when i was trying to quit smoking. not only did i have trouble sleeping & other problems right off the bat, but after a couple months i got super paranoid & started thinking crazy thoughts. it did make me want to stop smoking, and drinking, and eating, and socializing & anything else i enjoyed in my life. once i quit taking it i started smoking again. but i had to stop cause that crap was making me nuts.

i remember (before the paranoia set in that is) being a lot more amped up than normal & acting "rougher" more than normally would. i was louder & more opinionated too. it was strange. i'm not sure if i did strange or violent things in my sleep but i wouldn't be surprised if someone told me i did.

your friend has been taking it since october? do you notice any other problems or changes in her behavior? if so i would have her report this to her dr.

although i have to warn you i don't know if it will help. lots of dr's try to brush off complaints of side effects with these types of drugs. i had that problem when i complained about wellbutrin & also the yr before when i had complained about paxil. this was before the law suit against the makers of paxil. i went to my dr & told him all my horrible symptoms & my dr would NOT listen to me. he insisted it wasn't the drug. i stopped taking it against his advice & got back to normal. then low & behold about 4 months after that that huge lawsuit popped up. so i was right all along!

the same thing happened after i noticed weird effects from wellbutrin. doc wanted to dismiss it. well i knew better. i stopped taking it & found a new dr. and of course once i got off the wellbutrin i went back to normal. gotta be careful with these drugs........

Many of the antidepressant meds can cause sleep disturbances. She should talk to her doctor about it maybe there is another medication she could take with less side effects.

Yes, many medications have weird side effects that almost never show up. I've been on Wellbutrin and didn't get side effects, but I was on Lunesta and it made me have hallucinations--very scary and unexpected, since I hadn't heard that it could cause those.

Please encourage her to see her doctor and talk about those sleep problems. It's important for her to get those worked out--the side effects are hurting her physically (besides the fact that she's not getting good sleep, which won't help her depression/anxiety!). Her doctor can help her try another antidepressant that won't cause those side effects.

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