I am prone to anxiety and hate flying!! help!?!

Question: well i get clausterphophic in small places and i am currently in the UK and am going home on a 11hour flight in 2weeks and just being ina place for 11hours freaks me out. i am worried i get an anxiety attack on the plane, dont want to take sleeping pills! coming over to the UK a year ago was very stressful for me in the plane, so i just want to know if there is something that can make it easier for me.

Answers: well i get clausterphophic in small places and i am currently in the UK and am going home on a 11hour flight in 2weeks and just being ina place for 11hours freaks me out. i am worried i get an anxiety attack on the plane, dont want to take sleeping pills! coming over to the UK a year ago was very stressful for me in the plane, so i just want to know if there is something that can make it easier for me.

Absolutely! Learn some breathing exercises. They are not hard to learn, and will help prevent you from hyperventilating which triggers so many other anxiety symptoms. Breathing should be deep, slow and steady, not shallow and quick. Think - breath in for the count of 5, hold for 5, out for 5. Choose some music you find relaxing and distracting and plug it in! Focus on this rather than your symptoms. And remember - feel the fear and do it anyway! The most effective way to overcome anxiety is to actually allow yourself to feel it, survive it, and gain strength from the experience. There are also some great books and CDs on managing anxiety you might like to try. Good luck!!

calm down and dont fly

i was a really really nervous flyer and i tried bach rescue remedy and as long as i use that i'm fine xxx

i get the same problem-hate flying. you can have a mild tranquiliser, which i found helped

Yes, go to your doctor and get him to prescribe you Lexotan, it is not a sleeping tablet but is used to diminsh fears and it is very effective for those that fear flying

swim and go u idiot

Have a glass of wine and that should relax you.
I have the same problem and even if you do have an anxiety attack on the plane it will NOT last long in reality and you wil be fine.
I have had attacks on planes before and I usually talk to the person next to me to distract myself and always remember to breathe.....
also for the claustophobia...I just imagine the air from the AC hitting my face is an open window and that helps alot.

Try some of the herbal remedies mentioned like Bach Rescue. I think that the real fear from flying stems from past experiences.

Go speak to some-one at one of the flying clubs or check out some websites on small ultralights. Have very interesting facts and stories to put your mind at rest.

Did you know (statistically) you have more chance of dying in a car accident on the way to the airport than you do in the plane.

Funny hey. Well don't fear dear. It's all a state of mind.
Get calm prior to your flight and keep that calm. Chant some positive and comical affirmations. Music is good too.

My friend,it is labeled as Phobia and it can be overcome fully. Please consult an experienced Clinical psychologist / Psychiatrist who may advocate relaxation techniques to reduce your scare/anxiety and Desensitization techniques to overcome your fear of flying.

Tell your doctor. This might be a perfect time for little Xanax. It prevents panic attacks or ends them in 10-15 minutes. Take it an hour or two before your flight and you will feel fine.

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