Question regarding depression?!

Question: In view of the number of questions relating to depression does anyone agree this -is- an increasing problem,and have any ideas on the major factor that is the main cause.??

Answers: In view of the number of questions relating to depression does anyone agree this -is- an increasing problem,and have any ideas on the major factor that is the main cause.??

Yes I think it is increasing - a few causes.. expectations are higher - my Grandparents had to work hard for little, they knew not the welfare state and had few luxuries - these days we have much and want more..we compare ourselves to celebs and covet what they have..

Also as Maslows chart shows, once basic needs are catered for like shelter, food etc we then go into other realms with the ultimate being looking for self-actualisation.. wanting to be happy/do something we love etc etc.. all for most people bound to end up in tears..

Also we are less resilient often now - in our ancestors day, death was daily occurence, infant mortality was rife.. illness meant more died etc and so people appreciated life more.. now we are sanitised almost from the reality of it..

Another is that we have less community now - post_Thatcher the 'sod you I'm alright Jack' mentality came to dominate which means that we all lead more seperate lives.. we don't know the neighbours, we don't take and interest in those around us and we don't look after the kids/elderly the way we did..

Also Technology adds to this.. pre-microwaves we all had to eat together lest food would be ruined.. TV, video, Computer - all of this often means families spend their time at home apart in different rooms meaning that all those thousands of years humans were social beings is cut off and needs not met..

Stress - modern life is stressful and more complicated than ever before which in turn adds to depression..

Plus the rate of change has increased - not that long ago generations differed little in their experiences..,now my experience is markedley different to my Dad's as is his to his Mum's etc

Also not that long ago the meaning of life and all the big Q's were answered.. Religion played a huge part in most people's lives.. being one of the only beings to know we are mortal - the promise and more over truly believing in an afterlife solves the problem/worry of this.. so spiritual abyss does not help either..

No one answer but life - any life is not easy and so I expect depression to get worse.. great Q

living in Britain is probably the main cause.

i think its called the uk

Life today it`s hellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll... This country has gone to rack and ruin and I`ve just ate a bar of chocolate and i`m on a diet ! lol

children growing up with bad parents and few limits and expectations,Empty threats dont help either.

There does seem to be an increase in the cases of depression but this could be due to the fact that it is now recognised as an illness, not just a shameful self indulgence, and help is available.

Although it seems like a modern illness it is not. People have been suffering from it for years albeit in silence. There used to be a stigma attached to such illnesses and people were afraid to admit to anyone, including themselves, that they had a problem.

That said though, I do think the pressures of modern life have contributed to the amount of depression cases today.

It is increasing - and again, it is down to diet and lifestyle.

Typically, in the UK and Europe, and alot of America, we have little to no natural lithium which is needed to keep us mentally balanced, along with several other essential minerals that we simply don't get from our food as we're eating rubbish.

And then, our time is over crowded, there is little peace of mind with our money / work / responsibilities, which is a major factor in depression.

On the other hand, I find that even though I am a diagnosed manic depressive, there are still lots of times that I can pick myself up and tell myself to get over it and find that I can feel better. The problem is when I am enjoying being low.....

Along with most replies - living in the UK and being worked/taxed to death doesn't help!

Underlying causes are normally more personal though, - such as issues with colleagues at work, family issues etc;

It is a more commonly seen illness today, simply because the world is a more open place...

simply, people have forgotten how to love...
to love their neighbors, love their colleagues, love their children, love their siblings.
Love is just a word now that is thrown about by a people increasingly becoming sociopathic/psycohpathic by day.
In a world like this, there's only darkness and sorrow, hence the depression.
In a world where there's love, there's light and joy...

A disturbingly large number of people can't even stand the word love anymore, or associate it with sex, that's how much its lost its meaning, and it is all we need, not xanax or prozac or whatever is being taken these days for depression.

When we remember the power of love, our problems and our pain will dissipate.

for example in greenland there was nearly no suicides 100 years ago, but because of the increase demand on other people and ones self and its life, the suicide rate has gone up.. really up..
I think it is because of the increase in demand in a person, some people expect them to be able to do everything when they aren't able to do that.. and also the fact that in the old days they belived that if you killed yourself then you would go to hell..

Life is very lonely these days due to people being too busy to 'connect' to others.

I have no-one to talk to about any problems I may have and sometimes feel depressed as a result.

Living in the UK doesn't help either. It has got to be one of the most depressing places in the world to find yourself :-/

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