Drinking problem?!

Question: OK. So I start drinking and I would say 9.5/10 times I will end up drinking way more than I had planned and 7/10 I will drink until I am really drunk and do dumb and embarrassing stuff usually resulting in a blackout or what I have begun calling a brown out. I have tried my hardest to maintain but as soon as I have one or two I am no longer in the drivers seat. I there any way to gain the self control to learn to drink responsibly or is it just drink a lot or don't drink at all.

Answers: OK. So I start drinking and I would say 9.5/10 times I will end up drinking way more than I had planned and 7/10 I will drink until I am really drunk and do dumb and embarrassing stuff usually resulting in a blackout or what I have begun calling a brown out. I have tried my hardest to maintain but as soon as I have one or two I am no longer in the drivers seat. I there any way to gain the self control to learn to drink responsibly or is it just drink a lot or don't drink at all.

Such a honest question. The answer is that you seem to have a drinking problem. It is a hard reality, but you have taken an initial step to al least question the possibility of having a problem. I could go on and on. But, I would invite you to talk with someone who could help you learn the strategies necessary to gain some control. Its hard to do this on your own. The good news is that there are folks that can help. Best of luck to you.
p.s. if you decide to seek help...you local mental health center has substance related services available.

Try alcoholics anonymous -- they do have a website and i believe a chat, also.

You are in dangerous terrritory. Alcoholism isn't fun, or pretty. It affects not only YOUR life but the lives of everyone around you -- such as those who love you.

Please get help.. try AA

sending all best wishes i can!

I would say just don't drink at all, one drink leads to another and another and another, been there done that, now I'm clean, haven't had a drink in over a year now, except for the grape juice shot in church once a month.

go to a free rehabillition center if you do not want to stay, they will offer counsling

Based on your question, you may have to limit your alchohol intake to zero. A little is okay, but a lot destroys your brain and your body. Some people have the ability to drink a few and walk away, others don't. You don't seem to have that ability so I would recommend you seriously consider walking away from it completely. It won't take long at all before you don't even miss it.

Your question sounds like you believe that you have a drinking problem and I would agree with you. For a person like you there is NO WAY to learn how to drink responsibly. Stop drinking altogether. My husbands drinking ruined our marriage and permanently screwed up his relationship with his daughter. He has also lost all of his friends because of it. Do you want that to happen to you? Do you want that to be your future? I would also suggest that you attend some AA meetings for support. AA is totally anonymous and no one need know you are attending meetings. There you will find others who understand what you are going through and are more than willing to help you. You may not like labelling yourself an alcoholic but anyone with a drinking problem is an alcoholic no matter how much they deny it.


OK! I've got this one.
It all depends on 'why' you drink. If you, like everyone else, have self esteem problems, past hurt problems, etc., as soon as you take a drink you are waiting for the high.
Then you say to yourself, "yea, I should be able to drink all I want, after all, bla, bla, bla.
Or you'll say, "I'll be a lot more fun to be around if I'm drunk".
But if you will eliminate these 2 reasons or excuses for getting drunk on your ___, you can just relax and have just as much fun with a few drinks. Drink two, then just nurse that second one for a long time, and then the third if you have another.
This should take care of your problem without making you think you have to give up drinking altogether. Just keep an
eye on what your 'brain talk' is. Being aware of it takes away it's power to control your actions.

Do yourself a favor, please contact A.A. You sound like too nice a person to get caught up in booze.

By the very nature of your asking this question, you most likely have a drinking problem. If you are drinking alone, and are having these problems, then you need to abstain from drinking altogether, but if these problems are the result of your being young, and trying to be someone you are not in a collegiate/party setting a night or two a week, then you may just need to better educate yourself on the dangers of alcohol. You may also be allergic to alcohol, this is very common among some people of asian and native american descent.

I would also suggest, if you must drink, to choose a beverage (and only drink this beverage) such as a wine, or thick beer, that you can learn to appreciate, and drink slowly. You will find this more fulfilling, and a good excuse to your friends as to why you do not drink to excess.

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