Night terrors or nightmares?!

Question: ok,
i've been having alot of the symptoms of night terrors lately and i think i might be heving night terrors but i'm not positive, i cant see a doctor intell next friday so can any1 help out? and i dont no how i'm gonna get over it
please help this is really hurting me

Answers: ok,
i've been having alot of the symptoms of night terrors lately and i think i might be heving night terrors but i'm not positive, i cant see a doctor intell next friday so can any1 help out? and i dont no how i'm gonna get over it
please help this is really hurting me

Yes, say your prayers. That is easy to say I know. what does 'saying your prayers' consist of. well, I have a prayer book and there are prayers in there for every day. I read them night and morning. I start off by saying 'Good morning, Lord, thank you for a good night/day' whatever. Then I read the days prayers. Now these are prayers formulated by somebody else, you really need personal prayers, so I use a Rosary and count off the beads for very prayer I make, ending with the Lords Prayer. you know the one, it begins 'Our Father who art in Heaven-------'
But most of all you must listen!! it is so important, He does want to speak to you in your distress, so listen and thoughts will come to you. God bless you, I'll remember you tonight, and every night

Some night terrors can be biological, other times it can be supernatural (evil spirits). Say your prayers before you go to sleep. Call on Jesus the next time it happens. I know what you are going through. I've been through it. If it is biological (you can still pray about it) but see if you can see a doctor or psychologist that may help you properly.

I had that going on a few years ago....
One night I woke up and was absolutely terrified...
It kept happening so I called my Dr.
They said that they couldn't see me for 2 WEEKS so i called back and insisted and told them that something was really wrong with me. They got me in the next day...
It turns out that I was having panic attacks in my sleep...
I went on to see a psychiatrist for meds and am doing well now.
Something that you may want to explore....
God Bless!

You don't awaken from night terrors the way you do from nightmares. With night terrors you may get up & move around while you are still asleep and you won't usually remember a night terror. Nightmares you usually do remember.

Try calming activities about 1 hour before bedtime.
Write down a list of all your worries or anything bothering you from the day, this may stop them from entering your dreams. Put the list aside for the night.
Try warm milk, a bit of turkey both of which contain tryptophan & make you sleepy.
Before you go to sleep think of pleasant memories, thoughts, places, etc.

You may be very anxious, depressed or angry & this is adding to your sleep difficulties.

I think if these are really bothering you they are symbolic of something going on in your life. You might want to try therapy to be able to talk about putting a light on to see that there really aren't any monsters.

I hope you feel better.

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