Mental health question?!

Question: If someone has depression and anxiety, other than medication, talk therapy and hypno-therapy, what else would you advise them to do to help them to get better?

Answers: If someone has depression and anxiety, other than medication, talk therapy and hypno-therapy, what else would you advise them to do to help them to get better?

It is a difficult trial to overcome, I am trying to now. Ive have a hard childhood and it seems this year it has come back to haunt me more than ever. Since I was three is when I was told it all began, first with my birth father whom I have never seen since. My mother and father having a difficult relationship from what I question to this day who's really to blame. In that part of my life I was kidnapped by my father and was gone for some months in a different state. I was once again reunited with my mom and sisters when I don't know but I guess I was a changed boy. The next event was when I was 5 around this time I believe right near Christmas, I lost my grandmother to a death no child should have to fathom. My sisters say I didn't see her after she had died but somehow I remember. As some more time passed my mom struggled with me and my sisters trying to be a single mother, yet still searching for a man to care for her and us. Yet all she did was find troubled men who had problems, and tried to change them. But the thing is you can't change someone if they don't want to be changed. All these men brought to her life was sorrow and pain. Basically all these events as a child brought me to who I am today, yes a independent man who his mother is very proud of because I didn't follow the path in which many would in the events I faced in life, but also very heart broken and lost at times. I'm a very closed person with my emotions and feelings, from all that I went trough I was alone in all that I went through since my sisters had grown out of the house I went their ways. SO after all that all I can tell you is that I do suffer depression as many do in the world, and am attempting to overcome it to better myself and my family. One thing you must do if you haven't already is find GOD, and have hope and faith he will bring you through the trials of life that you face from the great to the most horrible. This world is not perfect, there is more bad than good, but we need to focus on the good to get through these hard times. I hope my story helps you in some way it has already helped me seeing that I don't talk of my past to anyone.

try here also it was something I found this week, God Bless...

Try Yoga or Tia Chi, basically exercise, and a grass roots diet or natural food (doesn't have to be organic, or exotic). Chow

Research has shown that people who participate in a daily exercise program of a minimum of 30 minutes per day have less anxiety and depression. Warm muscles cause the release of endorphins which are the "feel good" chemicals in our bodies and are released during exercise and continue for several hours after exercise. You might want to try it. Walking is the easiest - start slow then gradually increase your distance and pace. You need to break a sweat. You will be amazed at how different you will feel in about 2 weeks.

I have both and I struggle with it daily. Finding something that keeps your mind focused is a good step, like Yoga or meditation. Retraining your mind to focus on good stuff takes a lot of practice especially when you've been paying attention to whatever is depressing and anxiety provoking. Guided meditation is also nice to use.

They can keep a diary. They can also make a list of things that help them to feel better, relax them or keep their mind off things, and prioritize them (this can include exercise, hot baths, TV, naps, etc.). Every time they feel down, they can take out the list to remind themselves. They can talk to friends and family members about their issues and get emotional support from them. They can join a support group. They can find a project/hobby to work on. They might also volunteer in an organization that helps others and allows them to feel like they are contributing, necessary members of society. There are also toll free talk lines (not therapists/counselors) available who are there just to listen and help you get through problems. I hope one of these things can help you.

I have to work on this every day of my life. What has really helped, I started walking, I put on my headphones and listen to my favorite music and off I go. Now I am a runner, at least 5-6 times a week for one hour. Learn to focus and concentrate on good things, when you feel depression or anxiety over come you. The more you learn to stay positive and not dewell on the past you will start to feel better and better. I gained confidence, and family says I have never looked better. Good Luck

Go outside! Sunlight helps, when you are depressed this sounds stupid and extremely difficult, but it helps. You can also try a light box (the same thing used for people with sleep problems) Basic exercises, even just walking, or a stationary bike. Yoga. A better diet. Cut out the caffeine and sugar, they make depression symptoms worse. Get on a strict schedule of when you go to bed and when you get up... its far to easy to spend all your time in bed when you are depressed. Get other people involved, I used to have a friend call me every morning so that I would get up.

Depression can be situational, that passes and no meds are necessary, just support by counseling and learning coping skills.

If it is a clinical depression where the person has a major mental health disorder or is suicidal, meds and therapy are most likely necessary.

Then there is SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), caused by lack of sunlight in the winter months. This causes depression and is easily helped with vitamin D and calcium, exercise, no sugary foods or alcohol (both depressants) and getting sunlight 15 minutes a day either naturally or under a light box.

Additionally Phenocane has been found to help depression, it is a natural suppliment that is used for pain.

There are a couple of things that work well with Serotonin. Omega 3 -found in flax seed. Salmon and Walnuts are good too. Exercises is great. The biggest help of all for me is starting to think about other people and what their needs are - then I start actively doing things to change other people's lives for the better. (ex: volunteering, etc) It actually starts to change the way you think and can even set off better chemical balances for you. The catch is, it can't just be a once a week commitment, you've got to change your attitude and look for every opportunity to care for and help other people. It can be as simple as always opening the door to start. Lots of sunlight and setting aside time in the morning for prayer or meditation are really big helps too.

Best Wishes...

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