I need help with drugs?!

Question: i am 17 and i go to bars that will serve me and get drunk and do coke all night on the weekend and during the week i smoke pot all day everyday i dont know what to do im loosing grip on reality and the things i care about the most..but im to scared to go to a rehab i want to try and take care of it on my own what do i do?

Answers: i am 17 and i go to bars that will serve me and get drunk and do coke all night on the weekend and during the week i smoke pot all day everyday i dont know what to do im loosing grip on reality and the things i care about the most..but im to scared to go to a rehab i want to try and take care of it on my own what do i do?


stop doing drugs.....

You can't take care of it on your own, you're best bet is rehab. It will be worth it I'm sure.

you need change and you want it take a chance the benefits far outweigh the risks

stop doing it all.....

See a hypnotherapist.

Your parents are ready to help (for a real help) No one could love you as much as they do, all those advices are useless here.

Seek help from medical professionals as soon as possible. Good luck to you.

tell your parents...gaurdians...school councelours...anyone that cares. they'll know what to do more that you and i will.

Which is worse?
Rehab or where you are right now?

look don't be scared to go to rehab. I went because of coke. Well my parents forced me to, but really, its good. Do it. You wont regret it. Look actually this isnt advice. This is an order. GO TO REHAB!!!!!

go to rehab, i know someone who did, its not as bad as you here and they say their was nothing better they could have done for themself.

Stop. Just like that. Gain some self respect and will power. Have a support system. You can do it. Ask GOD for strength.

you need to try this http://www.na.org/

the only way you can do it is to quit hanging around the people you are using with and find other things to do in your spare time

talk to your family and you should go to a rehab center just talk to them and see what they have to say if you feel comfortable then admit your self

Decide what you want to do, and then do it.
Be the master of your own life, don't let drugs master you.
It's all about your attitude.

My son has this very problem and he is 29yrs old he had started at your age and ended up homeles sick broke and miserable,,if you are able to go to rehab plz go!

you need to go to rehab. it may not be what you really want to do, but it's the best for you and in the end you will be thankful

also, if you havent already, tell your parents and get their take on it

alcoholics anonymous. look in the phone book or online

talk w/ your parents (hopefully, they're supportive of you and not drugs).....find some good friends, go out and have fun (watch movies, play some sports...anything that refrains your mind from thinking about drugs). good luck.

You can call some teen hotlines who will not judge or criticize you and just listen to you and help. You can search for some on the internet. One I found is (714) New-Teen. You can also talk directly to another teen.

Find a Narcotics Anonymous in your area. They are free self-help groups. But you need SOMETHING outside yourself and who you socialize with now (the people you party with). Be prepared to lose those friends. But also be prepared to find yourself again. My heart goes out to you; though I am sure you don't want to hear this, you really ARE very young and have so many wonderful years to look forward to. We all go down a bad path from time to time; don't think you can't fall back on your feet. Please. Find yourself help.

Wow, only 17 and you get served in bars...do coke all night and smoke pot. Where do you come up with the cash to do all this? I think rehab would be best, I applaud you for realizing you need help. Speak to your parents or another trusted individual who can help you but get help now. Good luck and God bless.

well, if your friends are also doing these things with you, then you need to quit hanging out with them. You need to get away from the environment that you are in right now, so that you can try to start clean and stay away from that sh*t. maybe try hanging out with some other friends who don't do drugs.

First off, have you ever tried just stopping all of this? I think you need to talk to someone who knows you're doing this and maybe you'll listen to them. Also, you're too young to lose life and lifes a beautiful thing. Dont spend your time doing drugs. Theres more to live for, honey.

me and my friends are pretty much like you .. well honestly i havent done coke in queit a while.. and im even cutting down on pot.. i love booze tho .. hah anyways.. everything you are doing now is going to effect your future.. so if you are not in school .. theres a problem ..go to school and dotn skip ..stay in there.. try to stay organized and think of what you have for homework that night it is important, only get drunk on weekends.. and coke.. just stop that all around..well i kno its not as easy as saying it ... but try not getting high for a weekend.. or two in a row.. see if you like it better .. you will be moody and stuff from the drugs but dont let that get to you its normal .. you put those drugs in your system and it will take months to feel normal again

Quit f'n up! Think about what's important in your life, if nothing but drugs comes back to mind then you need to go to rehab, scared or not, but if other things come to mind then think about those things and fight your addictions. Like start with the coke, quit it, then worry about the drinking and pot. I know a lot of people that function either drinking or smoking but coke will kill you quick and if not it'll still f your life up, as it seems to be doing already!

dont go to rehab, thats just glorifying the fact that you use, just stop on your own.

coke is the best

if u have cravings u can get a nerve snipped behind ur ear and pot aint bad unless u do it everyday last time i did it was last year so yea u r gonna need help no matter wht specially 4 da crack or u could just say to ur self i will run instead it works :D

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