
Question: Is it possible to check a family member into rehab without their consent? Does anyone know what the procedure is for that? He is 28 and of course says he is "not addicted." He is killing himself with drugs and from what we've heard he has to agree to be checked into any treatment facility. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Answers: Is it possible to check a family member into rehab without their consent? Does anyone know what the procedure is for that? He is 28 and of course says he is "not addicted." He is killing himself with drugs and from what we've heard he has to agree to be checked into any treatment facility. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Depending on what state you are in you can apply for an MIW ( Mental Inquest Warrant) This can be done at the county clerks office where you live. Basically if the person has threatened to hurt theirself or someone else you can apply for the MWI. Some states will even approve one if there is just cause becuase the persons' behavior is dangerous to their health. What happens is after you file the MIW a police officer will find the person and put them into protective custody and transport them to the hospital for a mental evaluation. They have no choice to refuse because they are placed in cuffs so the will not harm themself or others and transported via police car. At the hospital they cannot leave until a doctor evals them and in most cases that continues into a treatment facility. At the facility they are still under protective custody (or just an escort to prevent running away) At the treatment facility they cannot leave unless the intake psycian agrees they are not athreat to themself or others. Although rare, you can also go to an attorney to contest their capability to make rational decisions. In most cases if the judge feels that they cannot due to the influence of drugs etc. you can be granted by the court to be the health care surrogate. A health care surrogate or Medical POA is responsible for making just the health care decisions for the person. They will not have a say in the medical decisions (refuse treatment etc) if the judge grants you such power until they are mentally competent to make necessary medical decisions. The easiet route to take is the MIW. But if you can convince them to go to a facility for a few days or something like that and they get there, they cannot be released until the doctor sees them and feels that they are not a danger to themselves. Check with your local attorney and call around to different facilities to see what the requirments are, in the mean time go to the court house and file the MIW, it is the best chance you have in order to save his life.

usually addiction to drugs can not be overcome unless the individual who is suffering reaizes they have a problem. You will just need to wait and support them. Try not to judge

Due to his age then no it is not possible to have hom checked into rehab with out his consent.But you also say that you have heard that he has agreed to go thats the best time to help him get there.Also depending on what drugs he is using then his behaviour might very well end him up in a treatment center without his consent( such as violent or sucidal or criminal behavours)I am not saying he is like this as it can depend on what he it using and what effect it has on him when he is unable to obtain the substance that he takes.
Also i agree with the first answer that you cannot help anyone with an addiction problem until they recognize it themselves and want to do something about it.I know that its hard to watch some one going through this sort of thing but there are groups to help friends and relatives who are being affected by addiction.Depending on where you live...for alchol there is anolon and for others there are other groups but i cant given you names as i said it depends on where you live....perhaps looking in the community section of the phone book that your country uses...under help and support...where i come from there is a huge list of numbers in the yellow pages and the white pages( phone book and adress directory)
Good luck to you and your family and this young man.

No of course its not possible, the person has a right to decide what they will and won,t do in their own life even if that is personally damaging. You could attempt to get them imprisoned as it is usually an offence to take non prescription drugs (not recommended as this will not "cure" them only expose them to more reason to be addicted). You could apply for a section under the Mental Health act 1983 but you would need two doctors and a social worker to agree that their mental health was compromised to the extent they could not take a ratioanal decision. I know their actions sound irrational to you but they are reasoned by the sounds of it and unless they are currently delusional or psychotic no social worker in the land would section them (and even then that would not be rehab as such)
Its hard living with addicted persons i know, but you would be better researching the psychology of change models and trying to help that way than expecting that they can be "taken away for their own good"
Hell, there is no state money for those that want to get into rehab let alone those who say they have no problems.

I don't care what the A&E show called Intervention says, a person can not change until they want to. You can not force a drug addict or a drunk to change his ways unless they want to. Some trigger has to happen. Generally this trigger is something very bad like OD. Sometimes it is getting arrested. You can talk to him until your blue in the face, but until he is listening you are wasting your breath.

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