How can I cure my hypochondria?!

Question: it is driving me crazy and the aches and pains i get are real pains. ! they are affecting my life. i can't live normally

Answers: it is driving me crazy and the aches and pains i get are real pains. ! they are affecting my life. i can't live normally

The mind does have a powerful effect on the body. What you have is physically real but worsened by the mind. Thoughts and emotions affect physiology eg nerve messages and hormones. Some ideas to help:

* Get checked by a healthcare professional (I prefer a natural therapist)
* Receive stress management counselling
* Explore a spiritual path that works for you
* Focus on 'wellness' instead of creating more 'dis-ease'

Become a hitman! Suddenly youll know!

See a professional therapist. They can treat what is causing your hypochondria.

have you been to the doctors
dont worry i know how it is when people dont belive that you are really in pain or ill
you may be suffring from an attention deficiet disorder or the like
id go to your gp Iif you csnt live normally

aches and pains are real and there are a million causes for them. if they are persistant go see a dr. if you can't afford one go to a health clinic. there is help out there you just have to look for it and be willing to try.Don't be afraid to ask .Try muting the drug commericals on t.v. makes me feel better.

Hypochondria is a psychiatric disorder. The complaints are random and disappear with any attention from the outside. If you have true musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders then you need PT and pain management.

Otherwise, to help yourself start with diet and food allergies and then progress through environmental exposures. Look for coincidental exposure followed by bouts of pain.

I do about 6 to 8 hours a week of yoga stretches and an additional 3 or more hours treading water in a heated pool.

If you have real aches and pains there is something wrong. You really need to consult a physician. If the first one does not help you, keep searching for one who will listen to you. Some doctor's rely only on, say radio-graphic imaging or some sort of scientific test, however, I am walking proof that things don't always show up on their tests, so you need someone will LISTEN to you and take that into account.
Hope this helps, and Blessings and Merry Christmas

have some faith in God and Enjoy your health.

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