What does happen if I dont get treatment for OCD Urgent ?!

Question: What does happen if I dont get treatment for OCD ( Obsessive compulisve disorder ) ? It's been 3 years that I have OCD but I didn't knew what it was until yesterday ( it's name ect... ) . I think that my OCD is pretty strong but I prefer not to go to a mental illness doctor . Another question : what's the difference between psychiatrist and psychologist . Thank you

Answers: What does happen if I dont get treatment for OCD ( Obsessive compulisve disorder ) ? It's been 3 years that I have OCD but I didn't knew what it was until yesterday ( it's name ect... ) . I think that my OCD is pretty strong but I prefer not to go to a mental illness doctor . Another question : what's the difference between psychiatrist and psychologist . Thank you


It depends....what happens with your OCD?

How much does it interfer with your life?

What ways do you have OCD?
do you hoard things?
do you count things?
do you worry that people will be hurt or sick?
are you worried about your own health?

There are so many different ways that OCD can present itself...and usually, it is diagnosed when you spend more than X amount of time each day committed to it or dealing with it, or obsessing about it.

Some people do not take medications for it, although, some people DO take medication successfully for OCD. This depends on the severity, the specific symptoms, ect.

The difference between a psychiatrist and psychologist, is a PSYCHIATRIST is a MEDICAL doctor, and can prescribe medications as well. They have actually gone through med school, so, if you have any other medical problems, this may be the better route, as they may be able to figure out if this is connected to any medications, or events (such as any brain injury you may have experienced in the past, or just something related to how you were brought up---like, in my house...my mom and her family is germ-a-phobic, and hoarders....I in response, can not STAND clutter...it actuallly makes me feel anxious, and like things are closing in. My one sister has ocd, so, she may have gotten it from my mom (genetically), or just from learning it from my mom's actions).

I would suggest seeing your regular doctor first, and explaining it to him/her....and seeing if they can recommend something to you....someplace to go to talk, or see someone to be evaluated.

I hope this helps some....good luck to you. Feel better!! (and don't worry too much if it takes a few weeks to be seen....as long as you don't feel like you are a risk to yourself or someone else. If you are REALLY feeling that anxious, then I recommend going and requesting an emergency visit, or going to the ER for eval and treatment....although you may be kept for up to 3 days, you may get medication if you need it).

well, i have OCD and i spent a long time struggling and it took over my life - so i went to the doctor. It's really worth it, so you can have some control. When you are ready to see someone - you will be happy you did so.
A psychiatrist is different from a psychologist in that a psychiatrist has a medical degree (as opposed to a PhD) and can prescribe medications.

OCD and many other mental health disorders one does not just get, they had it all there lives and I am guessing you got diagnosed three years ago?
Nothing is going to happen to you if you do not take there drugs.
Some of those drugs they give people is worse then having whatever condition anyways.
What is the difference of a psychiatrist and psychologist, one can give you drugs the other cant.

Either go get on the drugs or learn to deal with the way you are without drugs.
Wish you well.

I've suffered with OCD from a young age.
When I was 11 my Mum got me to a clinic.
I've been having therapy for about 2 years now.
And it's such an improvement.
Don't be embarrassed to tell anyone.
Go down to your doctor and talk to them about it.
That's what happened to me.
The got me booked in to see this person at the hospital and reffered me to my therapist.
I can handle everything so much easier now.
It hasn't toally gone away.
But I'm happier now. (:

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