How are the effects of smoking salvia?!


How are the effects of smoking salvia?

I stopped smoking marijuana for moral reasons (it's illegal) almost 10 years ago. I almost never drink or do any drugs, but I can't seem to find anything that's relaxing. I don't drink cause the calories are too high, I workout a good deal but that isn't a stress reliever for me. I don't like pharmecuticals (spelling?) but I've heard vaguely about salvia.

Just want to know how good/bad are the effects of smoking it. Please only answer if you've tried it or know someone who has.


Additional Details

4 months ago
I meant to say in the 1st paragraph that I rarely drink and NEVER use drugs.


If you're looking for a stress reliever similar to marijuana, salvia is not it. Salvia is a very unique drug, but its effects can be compared to lsd, with small but noticeable bodily effects and mental distortions present at low doses/concentrations, and full blown out of body trips when a lot of salvia is smoked or you smoke the highly concentrated extracts. If you're looking for a relaxant you're more likely to be happy with a plant like Kratom or Kanna both of which are perfectly legal to buy, sell, and use. A good list of legal, natural, highs and their effects can be found at in the Plants section.

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